
ruǎn shì pái qiú
  • soft volleyball
  1. 高校软式排球教学效果调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Teaching Effect of Soft Volleyball in Universities

  2. 把软式排球教学列入教学大纲中;

    To make the soft volleyball project listed in teaching program ;

  3. 软式排球极大地渲染了排球参与者的兴趣。

    The soft type volleyball biggest strength the people 's interest .

  4. 软式排球技术的特点与全民健身运动的探讨

    An Exploration Into the Features of Soft Volleyball and Nationwide Fitness Programs

  5. 借鉴现代教学理论与方法,依据软式排球技术的特点及教学的基本规律,对软式排球技术的教学理论进行了分析。

    This paper comes from modern teaching theories and methods .

  6. 关于福建高校推广软式排球的探讨

    An Examination on Popularizing the Soft Volleyball in Fujian Colleges and Universities

  7. 关于软式排球引入我院女子排球选项课的可行性研究

    Study about Feasibility of Soft-volleyball enter Our College Female Students Volleyball Class

  8. 软式排球运动中几项技术因素的研究

    The Study of Some Technical Factors in Soft Volleyball Movement

  9. 关于软式排球传球效果的实验研究

    Experimental Study about the Pass Effect on Teaching Soft Volleyball

  10. 对软式排球技术教学效果的实验研究

    Study on the Technique Teaching of the Soft Volleyball

  11. 软式排球是时下较受学生喜爱的体育项目之一。

    Soft volleyball is now one of more popular sports which students like .

  12. 浅议软式排球运动的可持续发展

    The Simple Discussion on the Continuance Developing of Soft-Volleyball

  13. 对软式排球基本技术教学的探讨

    Study of Basic Technique about Teaching of Soft Volleyball

  14. 试论软式排球的特点

    Study on the Characteristics of the Soft type volleyball

  15. 近10年我国软式排球科研现状量化分析

    Analysis of volleyball research condition for recent 10 years

  16. 软式排球的技术开发与规则改造的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Development of Soft Volleyball Technique and Reform of its Rules

  17. 六人制排球与软式排球结合教学方法的探讨

    A Study of the Teaching Method of Combining Six-person Volleyball with Soft Volleyball

  18. 软式排球在我国的发展及在学校体育中的作用

    The development and significance of soft volleyball sport in the school of China

  19. 软式排球的教学特点和效果

    The Characteristics and Effects of Soft - Volleyball Teaching

  20. 浙江师范大学发展软式排球运动的可行性研究

    On feasibility developing soft volleyball in Zhejiang Normal University

  21. 对软式排球教学实验的探析

    Analysis to the teaching experiment of soft volleyball

  22. 软式排球的发展及其价值

    The development of soft volleyball and its value

  23. 软式排球所占比例最高,再次是沙滩排球。

    The soft volleyball 's proportion was the highest , then the sand volleyball .

  24. 《软式排球》课程构建的基本理念与框架设想

    The Basic Principle of Soft Type in Volleyball Course Setting up Conceives with Frame

  25. 软式排球是一种手感柔软,又有一定弹性,使用中不易造成伤害,能够用于练习和比赛的排球。

    Soft volleyball is very soft and elasticity .

  26. 高等学校公共体育开设软式排球选项课的可行性研究

    A Study on the Feasibility of Setting up the Soft Volleyball Course in Colleges

  27. 软式排球技术教学理论的研究

    Research on Theory of Soft Volleyball - Skill

  28. 软式排球是一项新型的体育运动。

    Soft volleyball movement is a new event .

  29. “快乐式”体育教学与软式排球

    PE Teaching Model of Happiness and Soft-volleyball

  30. 谈软式排球的技术特点

    On the Characteristics of Soft - volleyball