
  1. 黄土沟壑区湿软地基处理的FLAC数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation for Soft Ground Treatment in Loess Ravine Region by FLAC

  2. 大型粉煤灰场地软地基处理工程实例

    Project Example of Large Fly Ash Field Soft Ground Treatment

  3. 浅谈湿软地基处理的几种方法

    Discuss several transact methods of wet-soft base

  4. 介绍了粉喷桩的工作原理及特性,对黄延高速公路淤泥质湿软地基处理中粉喷桩的应用加以阐述,提出施工中的注意事项,给同类工程施工提供了一些借鉴和启示。

    It introduces working principles features of powder-jetting pile , illustrates its application in treating wet soft mud foundation of Huangyan highway , and puts forward noteworthy items in construction , which provides some references revelation for the same project construction .

  5. PTC预应力管桩在软土地基处理中的施工工艺

    Construction technology of Prestressed Tubular Concrete ( PTC ) pile in soft soil foundation treatment

  6. PHC桩在温褔铁路深厚软土地基处理中的应用与研究

    Application and Research of the Thick-layer Soft Soil Foundation Treated by the PHC Pile

  7. 此外论文还在VB编程环境下运用计算机技术手段开发了公路软土地基处理服务系统,将软土地基处理方案决策和方案设计过程程序化。

    In addition , the article uses the means about the computer technology development highway soft soil foundation processing service system under the VB programming environment .

  8. 在高速公路海相超软土地基处理中CFG桩(水泥-粉煤灰-碎石桩)的应用已越来越广泛[1~4]。

    Cement-flyash-gravel CFG , piles are found more and more application to soft clay ground improvement in expressway engineering in China .

  9. CFG桩复合地基作为一种经济有效的处理方法在软土地基处理中应用越来越广泛。

    CFG-pile composite foundation is an effective and popular method for consolidating soft ground which is applied more and more widely in recent years .

  10. PCC桩是一种主要应用于软土地基处理的刚性桩。

    The cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe pile ( PCC pile ) is a kind of rigid pile applied mainly to soft foundation treatment .

  11. 深圳软土地基处理中Asaoka法的应用

    Application of Asaoka Method in Soft Ground Improvement in Shenzhen

  12. 福建省泉州沿海大通道秀白段的软土地基处理采用了水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(简称CFG桩)技术,取得了良好的工程效果。

    Taking one section of Quanzhou highway as the case , it introduces the application of cement flyash gravel pile ( CFG ) technology to the soft ground construction .

  13. 根据控沉疏桩理论,探讨了带帽PTC型刚性桩在高速公路深厚软土地基处理中的适应性。

    According to the control settlement and sparse piles theory , the applicability of prestressed concrete ( PTC ) piles with cap in the profundity soft soil ground treatment of a highway has been discussed .

  14. 软土地基处理及复合地基承载力检测方法研究介绍CFG桩及砂桩的工艺原理及其在软基处理中的应用。

    Introduce technological principle of CFG pile and sand pile and application of the both in soft base treatment , with special emphasis on the importance to determine construction plan and process according to site particularity .

  15. 广州地铁2号线大面积软土地基处理监测分析

    Analysis of the Soft Ground Treatment in Guangzhou Metro Line 2

  16. 路基软土地基处理施工技术灰土挤密桩复合地基浸水软化问题探讨

    Discussion on Soften Problems in Practice of Lime - soil Pile

  17. 关于治理砖混住宅工程质量通病的措施软土地基处理设计优化

    Treatment Measures for the Common Faults in Brick-and-concrete Composite Housing Projects

  18. 现浇混凝土薄壁筒桩在软土地基处理中的应用

    The Application of Thin-walled Cast-in-situ Tubular Pile in Soft Foundation Processing

  19. 综合物探方法在软土地基处理检测中的应用

    Application of Integrated Geophysical Method to Detection of Soft Soil Treatment

  20. 河港工程软土地基处理方法探讨

    Discussion on Soft Soil Foundation Treatment Method for River Harbour Project

  21. 软土地基处理及沉降控制研究

    Research on treating foundation in soft soil zone of settlement control

  22. 注浆技术是一项实用性很强的工程技术,广泛应用于工业与民用建筑的软土地基处理中,但在道路工程中的应用实例较少。

    Grouting technology is a practical and wide application engineering technology .

  23. 软土地基处理的爆炸挤淤法

    The method of explosive stone-fill in treating with soft clay ground

  24. 劈裂注浆法在运营铁路软土地基处理中的应用

    Application of fracturing grouting method to treat soft foundation of operating railway

  25. 土工格室在海滩道路软土地基处理的应用

    Soil Grid 's Application to The Treatment of Ground Below Shallow-sea Road

  26. 道路工程中表层软土地基处理浅析

    On S of t Ground Treatment of Surface Soil in Road Construction

  27. 轻型井点降水在软土地基处理中的应用

    Application of Light Well Point Drop in Treatment of Soft Soil Ground

  28. 强夯在预压后的大面积软土地基处理中的应用

    Application of DCM in large-scale soft ground treatment after preloading

  29. 高等级公路海堤的软土地基处理是当前面临的崭新课题。

    It is a new task of the motorway embankment foundation consolidation .

  30. 高原斜坡软土地基处理实践

    Subgrade treatment practice of the plateau slope on soft clay