
  • 网络Jue Tuo;reversal desertion
  1. 参附注射液对治疗不同证型厥脱的疗效观察

    Study of the Efficacy of Shen-Fu Injection on Different Types of Jue-Tuo

  2. 救心复脉注射液对内毒素休克大鼠微循环的影响(救心复脉注射液治疗厥脱证的药效学研究之四)

    Effect on microcirculation of endotoxic shock big mouse with injection of Jiuxin Fumai .

  3. 目的结合药理实验寻找抗厥脱有效部位。

    OBJECTIVE To search for effective location for treating syncope and prostration with pharmacological experiments .

  4. 【结论】:参附注射液是有回阳救逆、益气固脱的功效,对阳气暴脱型厥脱最为合适,而在气阴两伤中也可改善部分症状,发挥疗效。

    [ Conclusion ] : Shen-Fu Injection is most applicable in the type & YANG-QI-BAO-TUO of Jue-Tuo .

  5. 感染性休克氧自由基有关参数变化与厥脱证诊断分型的关系

    Relationship between the changes of the parameters associated with oxygenic free radical in infective shock and diagnosis and differentiation in " jue collapse syndrome "

  6. 结论实验结果为山茱萸中抗厥脱有效部位的确立奠定了基础。

    CONCLUSION The result of the experiment forms the basis for the establishment of effective location in treating syncope and prostration with Fructus Corni Officinalis .
