
  • 网络jueyin disease
  1. 本文从病因、发病机理、临床特点等方面分析,认为厥阴病类似于暴发性肝功衰竭(FHF)。

    It is considered that Jueyin disease offers a close analogy with hepatic failure ( HF ) in point of cause , pathogenesis and clinical manifestations .

  2. 厥阴病篇是《伤寒论》争议最大的部分,被称为千古疑案。

    The Jueyin disease chapter in the Treatise on Febrile Disease is the most difficult and controversial problem which is called eternal disputed cases .

  3. 通过分析《伤寒论》厥阴病篇的条文,得出厥阴病的病机是寒热夹杂、上热下寒;

    According to the analysis of clauses in chapter of jueyin diseases 《 Treatise on Febrile Diseases 》, we can get the pathogenesis of jueyin diseases : cold-heat complex , upper body heat and lower body cold ;
