
  • 网络DLP;Digital Light Processing;DLP Digital Light Processing
  1. 从最初的市场占有率为0,发展到现在的接近50%。本课题就是一款采用数字光处理(DLP)技术的投影机产品的开发项目。

    From the initial market share is 0 , develops the present close 50 % . This topic is one section uses the DLP technology the projecting camera product developmental item .

  2. 数字光处理(DLP)技术以其高对比度,清晰的文档显示风格,简单的光学系统设计,轻便的结构在最近的几年中取得了极大的成功。

    The DLP technology by its high contrast gradient , the clear documents demonstration style , the simple optical system design , the facile structure has obtained the enormous success in the recent several years .

  3. 然而,DMD投影机采用数字光处理技术(DLP),它对摄像&投影系统的时间匹配要求较高。

    But high precision of schedule match between camera and projector is needed as a result of that the digital light processing technology is used in DMD projector .

  4. DLP数字光处理技术是目前较先进的投影显示技术,但是对DLP光机投影屏特性测量系统的研究尚属探索阶段。

    Digital Light Processing technology is one of the advanced projection display technologies at present , but the quality measuring system for DLP projection display screen is still on the research way .

  5. DLP是一种基于微电机系统的数字光处理技术,这种微电机系统被称为DMD,由TI公司在1987年发明,它是一种快速的数字反射开关阵列。

    DLP is based on a micro-electromechanical systems ( MEMS ) device known as the digital micro-mirror device ( DMD ) . Invented in 1987 at Texas Instruments , the DMD is a fast , reflective digital light switch .

  6. 数字光处理背投电视色度学特性的研究

    Study on Colorimetric Characters of Digital Light Processing Rear Projection Television

  7. 数字光处理投影显示中的光源控制器设计

    Design of Light Controller for Digital Light Processing Projection Display

  8. 数字光处理顺序彩色获取

    Digital Light Processing Sequential Color Recapture

  9. 以色度学的基本理论为基础,结合数字光处理光学引擎的工作原理,探讨了单片式数字光处理光学引擎的彩色显示原理和色温调节原理。

    The principles of the color display and the color temperature adjusting for the single-panel DLP optical engine were discussed , combined with the fundamental theory of the colourometry and the character of the DLP optical engine .

  10. 研究了数字微镜装置(DMD)系统构成及数字光处理(DLP)技术的原理,重点分析了DMD显示器防信息泄漏的能力。

    The system structure of Digital Micromirror Devices ( DMD ) and the principle of Digital Light Processing ( DLP ) are researched , with emphasis on the ability for DMD to prevent Information Leakage .