
  1. 该数据处理平台通过了标准C程序验证和UC/OS2操作系统验证。

    The data processing platform pass the C standard procedures for verification and UC / OS2 operating system certification .

  2. 基于MatlabGUI的太阳辐射定标数据处理平台设计

    Data Processing Platform of Solar Irradiance Calibration Based on Matlab GUI

  3. Linux环境下基于Oraclespatial的分布式海量空间数据处理平台的设计与实现

    Design of a Distributed Platform of Massive Spatial Data Processing Based on Oracle Spatial and Linux Environment

  4. 数据处理平台由FPGA和嵌入式ARM分工合作,共同完成任务。

    The data processing platform composed of FPGA and embedded ARM division will complete the task together .

  5. 在MATLAB数据处理平台上,对采集的动态试验数据进行了Kalman滤波处理,取得了不错的效果。

    The Kalman filtering of the datas got in dynamic test is accomplished in MATLAB , it results in good .

  6. 基于EAI的银行自助服务系统数据处理平台的研究

    Research on Self-help Service System DP System of Bank Based on EAI

  7. 基于TEMPEST的计算机电磁泄漏数据处理平台

    Data Processing Platform of Electromagnetic Leakages of Computer Based on TEMPEST

  8. DRFM专用数据处理平台的结构与实现

    The construct and implement of dedicated data-processing platform based on DRFM

  9. 以GIS作为城市规划空间数据处理平台,分析城市规划数据特点,为数字城市提供技术基础。

    The article regards GIS as the platform for dealing with the urban planning special data , analyses the characteristic of the urban planning data , offers technological foundation for digital urban planning .

  10. 在此基础上,编写了基于Matlab语言的可视化分析系统,该系统为研究人员提供了一个良好的数据处理平台。

    Finally , using the software matlab to design the visual analytical system for building the model , It has been approved that it is a good platform for researchers to analyze data .

  11. 在分析水生态空间基础理论的基础上,以东辽河流域为例,以GIS技术为关键的数据处理平台,分析了流域地表水生态空间的演化分异。

    Based on the analysis of the primary theory of ESW , the evolution and variation of the ESW in the East Liaohe river basin ( ELRB ) are analyzed with the key desktop of GIS .

  12. 智能路测系统中的数据处理平台

    Research on the Data Processing of the Intelligence Drive Test System

  13. 多通道视频数据处理平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Multi-channel Video Data Processing Platform

  14. 基于分布式系统的地震数据处理平台

    A platform of seismic data processing based on distributed system

  15. 雷达信号数据处理平台发展趋势探讨

    Development Trend of Radar Signal and Data Processing Platform

  16. 成像光谱数据处理平台的构建及其地学应用

    Development of the Data Processing Platform for Hyperspectral Image and Its Geological Applications

  17. 电离层数字测高仪数据处理平台的研制

    Development and Research on Data Processing Platform for Ionosonde

  18. 基于车牌照识别的交通流数据处理平台建立及统计分析

    The Establishment of Traffic Flow Data Platform and Statistical Analysis Based on Vehicle License Plate Recognition

  19. 基于分布式应用控制系统的地震数据处理平台是针对地震数据处理的特点设计的。

    A platform of seismic data processing based on distributed system is designed in this paper .

  20. 本文通过对网管系统性能数据处理平台的设计,来说明软件构架技术在应用系统开发中的实现方法和步骤。

    Design for network management performance data processing platform illustrate application system method and approach of software structure technology .

  21. 然后通过数据处理平台,按照投资者事先写好的交易模型进行数据处理,得出买卖的开平仓指令。

    Through the data processing platform , we conclude the transaction instructions according to investors ' prior written trading programs .

  22. 大数据处理平台中任务密度和数据厚度不断增加,平台资源规模也随之不断扩展。

    The job frequency and data density increase continuously in big data processing platform , together with the platform resources .

  23. 结果表明:搭建的这套电磁钢轨探伤数据处理平台能够实现既定的功能,满足在线电磁钢轨探伤的要求。

    The results show that : the data processing platform of the electromagnetic rail defect inspection can realize the established function and meet the requirements of online rail defect inspection .

  24. 从水循环的物理机制着手,在考虑人工侧支循环的基础上,以现代地理信息技术为数据处理平台,开发了黑河流域水循环系统的分布式模拟模型。

    The GIS technique is applied as a data processing plateform to develop a distributed model for simulating the hydrological cycle system in the Heihe River basin , namely WEP-HeiHe .

  25. 构建的数据处理平台可用于几何信息的分析与综合,并且能在信息安全(信息隐藏、数字水印)及模式识别等方面有实用价值;

    The program for processing data can be used to analyze and synthesize geometric information , and may have applications in the field such as information security ( information hiding , watermarking ), and pattern recognition etc.

  26. 接下来根据需求分析,本文提出了网络平台、安全平台、电子商务平台、数据处理平台四个基础平台的集成设计方案,和10个应用子系统的集成设计方案。

    Based on the requirements , this paper presents four basic platform of Naqu Logistics Center Information System , network platform , security platform , e-commerce platform , and data processing platform . This paper also presents the integration design of ten application subsystem .

  27. USB2.0高速数据采集处理平台的软硬件设计

    Hardware and Software Design for Signal Acquisition System Based on USB 2.0

  28. 本文首先设计了水下等离子体声源的实验系统,并通过Tektronix数字示波器和桌面计算机搭建了实验数据采集处理平台。

    In this thesis , a set of experimental system has been designed , first of all . Then a digital acquisition and processing platform of the experimental data , which consists of the Tektronix oscilloscope and desktop computer , has been developed .

  29. 多模复合制导数据处理仿真平台的研究

    A Platform for Simulation of Multi-pattern Composite Control-and-Guide Data Processing System

  30. 对地观测数据处理软件平台的建立是对地观测系统工程中最关键也是最核心的一环。

    Design and Implement application software platform is an important feature of the system project of the Earth Observing Plan .