
  1. 她帮助他学英语,纠正他的发音,给他上数学启蒙课。

    She helped him with his English , corrected his pronunciation , and started him on arithmetic .

  2. 不过我可不推荐这个实验,即便是打着数学启蒙的旗号。

    But that 's an experiment I can 't recommend , not even for the sake of mathematical enlightenment .

  3. 在幼儿教育活动中,注重幼儿的数学启蒙教育;培养幼儿数概念的能力;提高幼儿数信息的收集能力。

    In infant educational activities , in order to develop their potentiality , it is necessary to cultivate their concepts of figures and improve their ability to receiving information of numbers .

  4. 幼儿期是数学能力发展的敏感期,是进行数学启蒙教育的关键期。

    Preschool period is the sensitive stage for the development of mathematical ability , it is also the key stage of conducting enlightening education of maths .

  5. 介绍了《笔算数学》的内容和版本情况,并与《数学启蒙》进行了比较。

    The contents and editions of Bi Suan Shu Xue are discussed , and compared with Shu Xue Qi Meng .