
  1. 所以《测圆海镜》的内容是构造性的。

    So the content of Ce Yuan Hat Jing is constructive .

  2. 《测圆海镜》的研究对象可用数学手段构造出来,因为所有问题都和圆城图式有关,未知量总是圆的直径,而已知量则是某些线段。

    The object of study in Li Ye 's Ce Yuan Hat Jing ( 1248 ) can be constructed by mathematical means , because all problems in it are concerned with a diagram named " circular walled city " .

  3. 有学者认为,李冶《测圆海镜》识别杂记是完美的公理化体系,《识别杂记》不可能是按照数据拼凑出来的。

    Some scholars believe that Shi Bie Za Ji ( Notes on Discernment ) of Li Yes Ce Yuan Hai Jing ( Sea Mirror Of Circle Measurements ) is a perfect axiomatic system , and it cant be reached only from data .