
zhènɡ shì jiě shì
  • official interpretation
  1. 介绍美国联邦突发事件管理局(FEMA)对1994年北岭地震中焊接钢框架节点破坏原因的正式解释,说明塑性铰外移的必要性。

    The explanations published in FEMA 350 on damage of connections in welded steel frames induced by Northridge Earthquake in 1994 are introduced .

  2. 正式解释源远流长,在法制史上影响深远。

    Formal interpretation boasts a long history and profound impact on legal system .

  3. 正式解释若干问题探析

    Exploration into a Spate of Issues Concerning Formal Interpretation

  4. 正式解释即正式法律解释,是指由拥有法律解释权的主体做出的、具有法律效力的法律解释,是法律解释的核心和最重要的组成部分。

    As the core and the most critical component of legal interpretation , formal interpretation means formal legal interpretation , or the legal interpretation with binding legal force given by subjects with legal power to interpret .

  5. 成千上万旅客不但没有享受到更加顺畅的旅行,反而被滞留在中国东部沿海的各个机场,并且得不到正式的解释。

    Instead of enjoying smoother travel thousands of passengers were stranded in airports along the eastern seaboard with no official explanation .

  6. 联合国核监督机构,国际原子能机构官员证实,他们正在调查这份伊朗文件,但又表示他们没有正式要求伊朗解释。

    Officials of the UN nuclear watchdog agency , the IAEA , confirmed they are looking into this Iranian document but say they 've not yet formally asked Iran to explain it .

  7. 目前麦当劳方面还没有给他们做出正式道歉或解释为什么避孕套和快餐混在了一起。

    " We have been overseas recently and we always went to McDonald 's , thinking they had an international policy where everything is safe and done the right way ," Ms Whitaker said .

  8. 从前,法律并没有正式文字记录,解释可以很宽松;德拉古的法律却见于文字,因此必须严格执行。

    Whereas until that date the law had not been officially recorded and could be interpreted loosely , Draco 's laws were written down and therefore had to be enforced strictly .