
  • 网络German Centre;German Center
  1. 上海德国中心是德国馆“和谐都市”的官方合作伙伴。

    The German Centre for Industry and Trade Shanghai is partner of balancity , the German EXPO Pavilion .

  2. SAP尽管有很强的美国特性,但曾是以德国为中心的企业。这些年来SAP已经转型成了全球运营的企业。

    In a few years it has changed from a German-centric organisation , albeit with a strong American presence , into a firm operating all over the world .

  3. 福布莱特学者Manero在8月去德国宇航中心工作,但他已经答应了另一个家庭制作义肢,因此虽然身在国外他仍会为这个项目工作。

    Manero , a Fulbright Scholar , heads to Germany in August to work for the German Aerospace Center , but he has already promised to help another family with an arm , so he 'll remain committed to the project even when he 's abroad .

  4. 德国货运中心向物流园区转型

    The German Freight Transport Center Makes the Transition to the Logistics District

  5. 以德国为中心的欧元使用者的中坚力量可以继续使用欧元。

    A hard core of euro-users , centred on Germany , might survive .

  6. 德国宇航中心飞行员纸笔测试系统的修订

    Modification of German Aerospace Center paper pencil test battery for selection of Chinese airline student pilots

  7. 从科研组织的变革看19世纪德国科技中心的形成

    A view of Formation of German Scientific and Technological Center from Transformation of Scientific Research Organizations in 19th Century

  8. 这样,德国金融中心就会成为一个世界性大都市的一部分,成为真正吸引外国银行家和律师在此居住的地方。

    Then it would be part of a cosmopolitan city where foreign bankers and lawyers might actually want to live .

  9. 方法:回顾性分析在柏林德国心脏中心诊治的3例心脏包虫病患者的临床资料,并复习相关文献。

    Methods : The clinical data of 3 cases of cardiac echinococcosis hospitalized in German Heart Institute Berlin was collected and analyzed retrospectively .

  10. 研究表明,多层次的步行化措施,具有多种混合功能、呈现地区范围扩展趋势的步行街网络形态,是德国城市中心步行区的典型特征。

    Studies have shown that the pedestrian area of Germany is featured by multilevel , multifunction and pedestrian net form of area extending trend .

  11. 德国研究中心亥姆霍兹柏林中心的工程师创造了一种新的叠层电池,由硅和钙钛矿叠层制成,认证效率为24.16%。

    Engineers from the German research centre Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin created a new kind of tandem cell made from stacked silicon and perovskite with a certified efficiency of 24.16 percent .

  12. 马萨诸塞州总医院、哈佛医学院和德国航空中心的科学家们都参与了这项研究。

    The researchers used a highly developed robotic arm to recreate human actions . Scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital , Harvard Medical School and the German Aerospace Center also took part in the study .

  13. 哲学因素为十九世纪德国科学中心促成因素之&哲学革命是科学中心的先导。

    Philosophy is one of the factors , which bring about the center of science in Germany in 19th century . Actually speaking , philosophical revolution is often the precursor of development of the center of science .

  14. 笔者从创新是科学的目标、哲学是科学的指导思想、数学是科学研究的工具这一视角对德国科学中心形成的历史经验进行探讨。

    The author inquires into the history experience that the German science centre forms from a new angle : Innovation is target of science , Philosophy is guiding ideology of science , Mathematics is study implement of science .

  15. 对此欧盟委员会已投入400万欧元,此外科学机构及合作伙伴也投入了180万欧元。德国宇航中心致力于在三年内用这些资金指定出一个测试任务的计划。

    With an investment of some 4 million by the European Commission and an extra 1.8 million coming from scientific institutions and partners , the German Aerospace Center aims to have a plan for a test mission drafted within three years .

  16. 我们以德国设计中心特有的理性功能主义指导思想为线索,从其产生背景、表象特征、发展方向三个方面入手,较为系统地考察了二十世纪德国工业设计不平儿的发展历程。

    We take the German design center unique rational function principle guiding ideology as the clue , has the background , the representation characteristic , the development direction three aspects from it obtains , systematically inspected 20th century Germany industrial design extraordinary development course .

  17. 德国GKSS研究中心的EduardoZorita说,IPCC必须变得更强大和更独立。

    Eduardo Zorita , from the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht , Germany , says the IPCC must be made stronger and more independent .

  18. 能让女患者自己喝水的这个轻量级机械臂来自于DLR(德国航空航天中心),这也是机器人计划的一部分,其他的还有DEKA的机械臂,该厂专为残疾人士提供假肢,并且在美国已经相当成熟。

    The arm that the woman used to help herself to a drink is a lightweight device developed by DLR , Germany 's Aerospace Centre , as part of its robotics programme . The other , known as a DEKA arm , is being developed in America specifically as a prosthetic for those who have lost an arm .

  19. 德国航空航天中心的艾伦·海尔表示。

    Allen Hell , at the German air space center say .

  20. 德国技术转移中心的考察和思考

    Survey and Consideration on the Technology Transfer Centers in German

  21. 德国大型会展中心选址模式及场馆规划

    The mode of site selection and facility planning for exhibition centers in Germany

  22. 德国航空航天中心和德国汉莎航空公司都宣布周日进行试飞,以测试火山灰的聚集情况。

    The German Aerospace Center and Lufthansa both announced test flights for Sunday to measure the ash concentration .

  23. 眼下,欧元区正面临转向另一种托勒密学说的危险,这种学说将德国视为中心。

    Now , the eurozone is in danger of shifting towards a Ptolemaic system with Germany at its centre .

  24. “来源是豆芽。”德国疫病防控中心负责人莱因哈特•伯格说。

    " It 's the bean sprouts ," said Reinhard Burger , head of Germany 's centre for disease control .

  25. 德国癌症研究中心说,测试显示,单独的吸烟间不能阻止潜在的有害空气粒子飘进非吸烟区。

    It said that tests showed that separate smoking rooms failed to stop potentially harmful air particles wafting into non-smoking areas .

  26. 与德国总部研发中心和自动化驱动部的同事们进行充分合作,对当前市场形势进行分析。

    Analyze current market situation in cooperation with the business unit and colleagues from the r & d centers in germany .

  27. 但是位于海德堡的德国癌症研究中心的安德里亚•阿尔提耶里与同事们经过研究得出的结论。

    But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre , in Heidelberg .

  28. 总结了德国在会展中心与包括城市公交、轨道交通、各类公路、航空水运及外部交通条件的联系方式及主要数据。

    Then it summarizes the outwards connections of the exhibition facilities concerning city public transport , rail transport , road transport , air and water transport etc.

  29. 德国航空航天中心的阿尔布-舍费尔说:很长一段时间以来,人们认为法律方面的问题甚至比技术方面的问题更难解决。

    Mr Albu-Schaeffer at the German Aerospace Centre says : For a long time the legal aspects were considered even more difficult to solve than the technical .

  30. 介绍德国技术转移中心的概况和为中小企业技术创新服务情况。

    It introduces the technology transfer centers in German and their technology innovation service for medium and small enterprises , compares it with productivity promotion centers in China .