
  • 网络German aerospace
  1. 德国航空航天中心和德国汉莎航空公司都宣布周日进行试飞,以测试火山灰的聚集情况。

    The German Aerospace Center and Lufthansa both announced test flights for Sunday to measure the ash concentration .

  2. 德国航空航天中心的阿尔布-舍费尔说:很长一段时间以来,人们认为法律方面的问题甚至比技术方面的问题更难解决。

    Mr Albu-Schaeffer at the German Aerospace Centre says : For a long time the legal aspects were considered even more difficult to solve than the technical .

  3. 能让女患者自己喝水的这个轻量级机械臂来自于DLR(德国航空航天中心),这也是机器人计划的一部分,其他的还有DEKA的机械臂,该厂专为残疾人士提供假肢,并且在美国已经相当成熟。

    The arm that the woman used to help herself to a drink is a lightweight device developed by DLR , Germany 's Aerospace Centre , as part of its robotics programme . The other , known as a DEKA arm , is being developed in America specifically as a prosthetic for those who have lost an arm .

  4. 德国航空航天中心的艾伦·海尔表示。

    Allen Hell , at the German air space center say .