
  • 网络Vice-Chancellors of Germany;Vice-Chancellor of Germany;Vizekanzler
  1. 德国副总理西格马尔加布里尔(SigmarGabriel)表示,这是汽车行业的一个“不光彩篇章”。

    Sigmar Gabriel , Germany 's vice-chancellor , said it was a " bad episode " for the car industry .

  2. 德国副总理西格马尔•加布里尔(SigmarGabriel)本月曾表示,有关方面正努力“提出替代的收购方案”。

    Sigmar Gabriel , deputy chancellor , said this month that efforts were under way " to come up with an alternative offer . "

  3. 去年,德国副总理西格马尔•加布里尔(SigmarGabriel)曾公开表示了担忧,称“这个(数字化)基础设施将受控于美国少数互联网康采恩,它们可能会主导21世纪的经济生活。”

    Sigmar Gabriel , Germany 's vice-chancellor , worried aloud last year that " this ( digital ) infrastructure will be controlled by a handful of American internet concerns , which could dominate the economic life of the 21st century . "

  4. 德国副总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨呼吁就“全面的欧洲解决方案”举行会谈,并承诺德国将参与其中。

    German Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for talks on " an overall European solution " and pledged Germany 's participation .