
  • 网络Green Party;German Green Party
  1. 从生态政治到生态经济&德国绿党生态理念探析

    From Ecopolitics to Eco-economy : An Analysis of German Green Party 's Ecological Philosophy

  2. 德国绿党的崛起值得世人关注。

    The problem that German Green Party rises abruptly deserves people to pay attention to .

  3. 德国绿党政界人士富克尔•贝克(VolkerBeck)表示,德国的公民入籍考试“要求掌握德国人需要学过一学期的法律才能具备的知识。”

    The German Green politician Volker Beck said Germany 's citizenship test " expects knowledge that Germans only have after they 've studied law for a semester . "

  4. 新社会运动与德国绿党的形成

    New Social Movement on Green Party German

  5. 深入思考新社会运动对德国绿党的影响将给我们有益的启示。

    It will bring us many reflections to have a deep understanding of new social movement .

  6. 没人比约施卡·菲舍尔,这名德国绿党前发言人走得更远,他提出要建立一个欧罗巴合众国。

    Few go as far as Joschka Fischer , elder statesman of Germany 's Greens , who wants a United States of Europe .

  7. 德国的绿党据说是全欧洲诸环境保护团体的先驱。

    Germany 's green party was said to be the forerunner of environmental parties throughout europe .

  8. 三月下旬的反核电力抗议刺激了德国的绿党,德国绿党控制着大本营在巴登伍腾堡邦的基督教党员。

    The anti-nuclear drive boosted Germany 's Green party , which took control of the Christian Democrat stronghold of Baden-Wuerttemberg , in late March .

  9. 来自德国的欧洲议会绿党议员扬•菲利普•亚伯雷希(JanPhilippAlbrecht)同意这点,他表示:“谷歌从这些错误中吸取了教训。”他曾经大张旗鼓地发起维护数字隐私的活动,而且一直公开批评谷歌。

    Jan Philipp Albrecht , a Green MEP from Germany who has campaigned vociferously on digital privacy and been a public critic of the company , agreed . " Google learned from these mistakes , " he said .