
  • 网络DEBUSSY;claude debussy;Claude Achille Debussy;Achille Claude Debussy;Achille-Claude Debussy
  1. 她是将德彪西的音乐演绎得最出色的演奏者之一。

    She is one of the finest interpreters of Debussy 's music .

  2. 节奏的探索&德彪西《G小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》的演奏研究

    The Exploration of Rhythm & A study of the performance of Debussy 's " Sonata in G Minor for Violin and Piano "

  3. 德彪西《G小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》丰富、多变、细腻的节拍节奏为这一论断提供了典型的实例。

    The rhythm of Debussy 's " Sonata in G Minor for Violin and Piano " is rich , changeful and delicate . It provides a solid example for a typical model for this conclusion .

  4. 论德彪西印象主义音乐的风格特征

    On the Stylistic Features of Claude Debussy 's Music of Impressionism

  5. 谈德彪西与他的音乐创作特点及其风格

    About Debussy and His Creative Characteristics and Style in the Music

  6. 浅谈德彪西钢琴音乐演奏的朦胧性特征

    A Brief Exploration of Debussys Fugue Feature of Piano Music Performance

  7. 德彪西钢琴曲《帕斯比叶舞曲》的踏板运用

    Use of piano pedal in Debussy 's piano music Passepied

  8. 《大海》是德彪西创作的一首气势恢宏的交响素描。

    " Sea " Debussy created a magnificent symphonic sketches .

  9. 论德彪西作品中和声手法的多样性

    On the Variety of Harmony Skills in Debussy 's Work

  10. 你是指像德彪西、瑞佛尔等作曲家的音乐吗?

    You mean debussy , ravel , and those composers ?

  11. 法国音乐家德彪西,被称为印象派音乐大师。

    France Musician Debussy is the music master of impressionism .

  12. 德彪西《贝尔加玛组曲》的创作风格及演奏技法

    Artistic Style and Skills in Musical Performance of Suite Bergamasque of Claude Debussy

  13. 德彪西《阿拉伯风格曲第一首》两种演绎版本的速度比较

    The Comparison between the Speed of the Two Versions of Debussy 's Arabesque

  14. 德彪西滑稽模仿对文化内涵的拓展

    Debussy , Parody : An Expansion of Cultural Connotation

  15. 德彪西是印象主义音乐的奠基人。

    Debussy was the founder of impressionistic music .

  16. 德彪西创造了以色彩表现为主的印象主义和声的新风格。

    Debussy created the new impressionism harmony style .

  17. 德彪西《钢琴前奏曲》力度解析

    Dynamics Analysis of 24 Piano Preludes of Debussy

  18. 德彪西自己把作品改编为钢琴曲。

    Debussy arranged the score for Piano himself .

  19. 德彪西从小家境不富裕,但这阻挡不了他敏锐的音乐天赋。

    Debussy from families not affluent , but can not stop his keen musical talents .

  20. 论德彪西钢琴音乐的印象主义特色

    Impressionism Characteristics of Claude Debussy Piano Music

  21. 德彪西音乐风格浅析

    Analysis of the Music Style of Debussy

  22. 德彪西和拉威尔的钢琴音乐

    Piano Music of Debussy and Ravel

  23. 德彪西及他的十二首练习曲

    Debussy and his twelve piano etudes

  24. 德彪西和他的音乐世界

    Debussy and His Music World

  25. 德彪西的音乐表现在福莱和拉威尔庄严的孔雀舞曲当中也可见一斑。

    Debussy 's musical presence can be felt in the Stately pavanes of Faur é and Ravel .

  26. 第二部分介绍德彪西音乐的个性特征,以及他的钢琴作品。

    The second part introduces the individual feature of Debussy 's music , and his piano composition .

  27. 德彪西平静的乐曲弥漫在本章唱片中,而他的《梦幻曲》〉给我们以(享受的)资格。

    The serene music of Debussy permeates this program , and his Reverie gave us our title .

  28. 德彪西音乐风格的缩影

    Debussy Music Style Miniature

  29. 德彪西与印象主义音乐

    Debussy and Impressionism Music

  30. 近年来,他专攻印象派作品,演出了德彪西和拉威尔的全部作品。

    Recently , he focuses on the impressionist works and plays all the works of Debussy and Ravel .