
  1. 德米特跑到主神宙斯那儿,请求帮助。

    Demeter ran to Zeus , the king of the gods , for help .

  2. 女神德米特照看大地。

    The goddess Demeter looked after the Earth .

  3. 她今天没法见德米特了

    That she won 't be able to meet with Dmitri today .

  4. 查出德米特准确的到达时间

    Find out exactly when Dmitri is expected to arrive ,

  5. 杀了德米特也不会让你姐姐复活

    Killing Dmitri is not gonna bring your sister back .

  6. 德米特的安全屋在大厅西侧尽头

    In Dmitri 's safe room at the west end of the hall .

  7. 再去见德米特然后立刻离开这里

    before you meet Dmitri , and get the hell out of here .

  8. 在地上,德米特四处寻找帕尔塞福涅,全然忘记了自己工作。

    On Earth , Demeter searched for Persephone and forgot all about her work .

  9. 这就是在德米特感到幸福的春天和夏天里,阳光灿烂的原因。

    That is why in spring and summer when Demeter is happy , the sun shines .