
  • 网络board;Deck;PANEL
  1. 净化室专用大小双门采用彩钢板面,铝合金封边和门框,包括日本球型门锁。

    Sleel board surface and alloy aluminium edge and door frame , include japan spherical door lock .

  2. 如何控制中低强度粉煤灰泵送混凝土板面塑性收缩裂缝

    How to control the board plastic shrinking crack from the low and medium intensity fly ash pump concrete

  3. 在撒了面粉的板面上将油酥面团擀平。

    Roll the pastry on a floured surface .

  4. 结果表明,IF钢板板面不同方向上存在R值的显著起伏。

    It was observed that there exists obvious fluctuation of R value in different directions .

  5. 本周,世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)在缅甸这个曾经被孤立的国家召开会议期间,鱼板面一定会出现在菜单上。

    Myanmar 's national dish , it 's sure to be on the menu at this week 's World Economic Forum event in the former pariah state .

  6. 楼板混凝土浇筑板面标高控制技术场地标高优化和土方量计算及其ExcelVBA的程序实现

    Elevation control technology for cast-in-place concrete floor Site Elevation Optimization & Earthwork Volume Calculation and Excel VBA Program Realization

  7. 文中根据Hertz理论,将板面荷载假设为半球面形分布。

    According to Hertz 's theory , the distribu-tion load is assumed as a half ball .

  8. 加固方式有板面、板底粘贴一层、二层CFRP条带。

    The CFRP strips , bonded on the top surface or bottom surface of the slab , were made of one or two layers .

  9. 利用镜反射红外光谱法研究了CC级柴油机油中添加剂对成漆板板面漆膜组成的影响;

    The effect of additive in CC grade diesel engine oil on the formation of lacquer on the surface of lacquer plate was studied by mirror reflectance infrared spectroscopy ;

  10. 叙述在单板面源装置上提升单根60Co源棒进行探头标定装置实验。

    The paper describes the facility test for the detector calibration by raising a bar of 60 Co source on a single plate area source .

  11. 提出了一种分析缝纫复合材料层合板面内力学性能的模型即纤维弯曲模型(FBM)。

    An analytical model named fibres bend model ( FBM ) is presented for the in plane mechanical properties of stitched composite laminates .

  12. 电镀铜是PCB加工过程中的一个关键工艺流程,涉及到孔和板面金属化的性能保证,影响因素众多。

    The plating copper is a key process in the production of PCB , which involves the quality assurance of metallization of PTH holes and laminate surface , and is affected by a number of factors .

  13. 液滴撞击热板面时的Leidenfrost现象和转变温度的试验研究

    The Leidenfrost Phenomena and Transition Temperature for a Droplet Impinging on Hot Surface

  14. 在同一块PCB上,将生热率高的器件置于板面四角,而其余的分布于其间,可有效地均匀热场并使最高温度显著降低。

    The thermal field would be well distributed and the highest temperature be cut down evidently , if electronic components with higher heat generation rate be sit in four corners of the PCB while the else among them .

  15. 除了仰光,在美丽的茵莱湖(InleLake)附近,娘乌镇(NyaungShwe)的大集市上亦有极好的鱼板面,但这个集市五天才有一次。

    Far from Yangon , there is outstanding mohinga at the main market in Nyaung Shwe , near beautiful Inle Lake - but only every five days ;

  16. 为了从理论上研究缝纫对复合材料层合板面内力学性能的影响,建立了纤维弯曲模型(FDM),并且分析了缝纫参数和几何参数对层合板等效模量和拉伸强度的影响。

    In this thesis the Fiber Distortion Model ( FDM ) is presented to analyze the effect of stitching and geometry parameters on the equivalent modulus and tensile strength of the stitched composite laminates .

  17. 在嵌合度为0mm、0.1mm、0.5mm三个水平下,0.1mm的嵌合度所获得的指接材板面质量最好,指接材的抗弯强度最高。

    Under 3 levels , finger-jointing with 0.1 mm embedment is the best , which has the highest strength and best appearance quality .

  18. 将Talbot效应与实验力学相结合,提出用斜入射的圆锥形扩散球面波通过衍射光栅产生的Talbot效应,测定板面曲率的剪切干涉云纹法。

    Combining Talbot effect with experimental mechanics , this paper presents the principle , method and optical arrangement system about the diffraction and Talbot shearing interferometry with an oblique incidence spread spherical wave for determining curvature of a plate surface .

  19. 基于实验结果和冲击波理论,研究了UHMWPE纤维复合材料受冲击时的表观破坏形态和微观损伤机理以及靶板面密度、冲击速度、冲击方式等因素对材料防弹性能的影响规律。

    Based on the test result and the impact wave transmission theory , the surface damage status and micro crack mechanism of the UHMWPE composites under impact and the influence of butt area density , impact speed and impact method on the ballistic resistance performance are studied .

  20. 自重达150t的履带吊车在钢筋混凝土楼板面上进行大面积的行走吊装作业,最大吊装重量达39t。

    The deadweight of pedrail crane is 150 tons . When it is hoisting , it will track at a large area on the reinforcement floor slab . The largest hoisting weight is 39 tons .

  21. 推土板板面粘附摩擦力引起的工作阻力

    Operating resistance caused by adherent friction on blade surface of bulldozers

  22. 混凝土板面的裂缝和钢筋的构造

    Crack and detailing of reinforcement on the top of concrete floor

  23. 我们来看一下这种康师傅鲜虾鱼板面。

    Let 's check out this Master Kong Seafood instant noodle !

  24. 缝纫复合材料单向板面内力学性能的试验研究

    Experimental study for the in-plane mechanical properties of stitched composite laminates

  25. 特制的板面加上自制辣椒的干捞辣椒板面。

    The special Dry Chili Pan Mee with home made chili .

  26. 净化室专用逃生窗采用专用彩钢板面,铝合金封边和门框。

    Sleel board surface and alloy aluminium edge and door frame .

  27. 鱼板面在街边小摊及茶馆里都可以买到。

    Mohinga is sold by streetside vendors and in some teashops .

  28. 缝合参数对复合材料板面内刚度和强度影响研究

    Effects of stitching parameters on in-plane stiffness and strength of composite laminates

  29. 假设分子与板碰掸后粘附在板面上,而不是反跳开。

    Assume that the molecules stick to the plate rather than rebound .

  30. 导模法生长(1102)板面白宝石片状晶体

    ( 1102 ) Sapphire Ribbon Crystals Grown by EFG Method