
  • 网络slate;Allevardite
  1. 大量提供各种天然板石、文化石、古典岩、机制卵石等。

    Supply natural slate , cultural stone , classical stone , Machine-made Cobble Stone Etc.

  2. 目前已探明的矿藏有板石、高岭土、白云石、铁矿石等。

    At present , there are proven reserves Slate , kaolin , dolomite , iron ore and so on .

  3. 板石是一种天然建筑装饰材料。

    Slabstone is a kind of natural architectural decoration material .

  4. 板石切边机理及切边机设计

    Principle of Slabstone Edge Shearing and Design of Shearing Machine

  5. 我国发现的板石的研究

    A study on ALLEVARDITE discovered in China

  6. 壁炉旁边的区域,通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面。

    An area near a fireplace ( usually paved and extending out into a room ) .

  7. 以板石沟铁矿上青矿区西端岩移问题为例进行了分析计算。

    Analysis and calculation are illustrated by the specific example of ground surface movement at the west Shangqing mining field .

  8. 板石。用作通道或台阶的踏脚石。用于建造通道或天井的混凝土板。

    Flagstone . Use as stepping stones for pathways or for steps . Concrete slab for making pathways or patios .

  9. 板石矿业公司选矿厂担负着矿业公司破碎、球磨、选矿为一体的生产任务。

    Concentration Plant of Banshi Mining Company is the unit where crushing , ball grinding and concentration duty simultaneously exist for whole company .

  10. 本文简要介绍了板石矿业公司上青矿露天转地下开采平稳过渡的经验以及对眼前山铁矿露天转地下开采的借鉴意义。

    The experience of smooth transfer of Shangqing Iron ore Mine of Banshi Mining Company are introduced , which can be taken for reference by Yanqianshan Iron Ore Mine .

  11. 板石沟铁矿上青矿经过近几年的实践摸索,最终采用电炉烧水的蒸气疏通冻孔的方法,解决了冬季生产冻孔难题,并取得了较好的经济效益。

    People had tried many methods to solve this problem . Finally , the method of using electric oven to produce steam for melting the freezing is selected that brings good profit to mine .

  12. 板石资源主要分布于东釜山乡、义联庄乡,储量为4亿立方米,是世界三大板石主产区之一。

    Slate resources are mainly distributed in the East Busan Township , Union Township justice , reserves of400 million cubic meters , is the world 's main producing areas in the three panels , one of stone .

  13. 我忆起,在路的转弯处转弯,便可达一幢老式的大房子。一棵大栗树从房后伸出来,遮盖了板石瓦房顶的一部分。

    I remember turning at the curve of the road , and arriving at the large , old-fashioned house with its slated roof and a huge chestnut tree rising up from behind it to cover parts of the roof .