
jī biàn
  • distortion;aberration;skewness;falsification
畸变 [jī biàn]
  • [distortion] 由于某种原因,事物变得和正常的或设想的情况有差异

畸变[jī biàn]
  1. 染色体畸变断裂点分布的初步研究关于{x/n}的分布

    A preliminary research on distribution of breaking points of chromosome aberration

  2. DNA对苯诱导小白鼠细胞染色体畸变的恢复效应

    Effect of Recovery of DNA on Chromosomal Aberration in Mice Cells Induced by Benzene

  3. 相对于母本DNA,基因畸变往往更多地与父本DNA上的缺陷相关。

    Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA .

  4. 这将使信号畸变。

    It will distort the signal .

  5. 畸变功率N、畸变角(?)

    , the distortion power N , the distortion angle (?)

  6. 高功率CO2激光作用下硅镜热畸变的动态过程研究

    The investigation of the dynamic process on thermal distortion of silicon mirror

  7. 荧光原位杂交法分析中国医用诊断X射线工作者的染色体易位畸变

    Chromosome translocations in Chinese medical X-ray workers analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization

  8. 激光光强分布测量中面阵CCD信号畸变的校正

    Correction of Distorted CCD Signals in Measurement of Laser Beam Intensity Distribution

  9. CCD摄像机径向畸变的校准方法

    A remedy method of radial distortion of CCD camera

  10. 对X染色体自身折叠形成的可能机制、SC缠绕交叉与染色体交换的关系以及SC畸变分析的潜在应用价值和遗传学意义作了讨论。

    The application of SC aberration analysis in genetic toxicology is discussed .

  11. 焦炉工染色体畸变和血清p53蛋白水平的检测

    The Detection of Chromosomal Aberration And Serum Level of p53 Protein in Coke Workers

  12. 铅镉铝砷苯及X射线致淋巴细胞染色单体互换畸变的特性研究

    Study of INDCED by chromatid interchange in human lymphocytes lead , arsenic , cadmium , benzene and X-ray exposure

  13. 这种滤波器能在去除漂移的同时不使ST段发生畸变。

    The filter is able to remove shifting components without distortion of ST-segment in ECG .

  14. MgO的晶粒大小和晶格畸变与水化活性的关系

    Relationship between Crystalline Size and Lattice Distortion of MgO and its Activity

  15. 信号核素~(134)Cs诱发体细胞和生殖细胞畸变效应比较研究

    Comparison of chromosome aberration yields induced by signal radionuclide 134 Cs in somatic and germ cells

  16. 小鼠睾丸细胞染色体畸变率增加(P<0,05):着床前胚泡细胞微核率增加(P<0.01)。

    The frequency of micronuclei in bone marrow , embryonic liver cells and preimplantation embryos cells were significantly increased too ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 方法常规染色体畸变分析、CB微核率检测。

    Methods Conventional chromosome aberration analysis and Cyt-B micronuclei test .

  18. 本文报道了小剂量(0~1.0Gy)x射线单次全身照射雄性小白鼠诱发的精母细胞晚粗线期染色体畸变与显性致死间关系。

    The relationship between chromosomal aberration and dominant mutation in spermatocytes of late pachytene phase in male mice after a single X-irridiation was reported .

  19. 司氟沙星CHL细胞体外染色体畸变试验

    Effects of sparfloxacin on chromosome aberration of CHL cell in vitro

  20. 用Volterra级数分析晶体管放大器的波形畸变

    Transistor distortion analysis using Volterra series representation

  21. q畸变的KdV方程

    The q-Deformed KdV Equation

  22. 针对图像中存在局部畸变的情况,提出了基于遥感图像,构建TIN建立区域畸变模型的方法。

    With the circumstance of local deformation in image , a region deformation model with creating TIN , which uses control points , is introduced .

  23. 结果表明,Ames试验阳性,但骨髓细胞畸变率及微核率未见明显改变。

    The results were positive in Ames test and negative in cell aberration and micronucleus tests .

  24. 目的:探讨分泌性中耳炎(SOM)在鼓膜置管前后畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)的变化。

    Objective : To discuss the effects of tympanotomy tube insertion on distortion product acoustic emissions .

  25. 本文报告丙烯酸甲酯的Ames试验和慢性染毒大鼠骨髓细胞畸变率及微核率的研究结果。

    The paper reports the mutagenicity of methylacrylate by Ames test , cell aberration and micronucleus tests of bone marrow cells .

  26. 在硬件设计中采用视频编码器和视频解码器分别实现对输入模拟信号的解码和输出数字信号的编码,并以SRAM作为输入畸变图像和输出校正图像的存储器。

    In hardware design , video decoder is utilized to decode input analog signals and video encoder to encode output digital signals .

  27. 在碾磨过程中,SBS分子链断裂,特性黏数下降,聚苯乙烯分散相发生畸变,其相区尺寸增加;

    During pan-milling , SBS molecular chains were ruptured , intrinsic viscosity number decreased and the aberration of dispersing phase of polystyrene increased , domain size occurred .

  28. 利用有限元方法数值模拟了单晶硅(Si)、铜(Cu)、钨(W)、氧化铍(BeO)等镜体材料的热畸变特性。

    The thermal distortions of mirror substrates with such materials as silicon , copper , tungsten and beryllium oxide are calculated and analyzed by use of finite element methods .

  29. XRD及SEM分析表明,利用冲击波的高温高压作用可以合成单一钙钛矿相PZT95/5粉体,并使得粉体发生了晶粒细化与晶格畸变,这有利于增强粉体活性,促进低温活化烧结。

    The analyses of XRD and SEM indicate that , the single-phase perovskite PZT95 / 5 powder can be successfully prepared with the effects of high temperature and high pressure of shock wave .

  30. 方法:采用Ames试验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、人外周血淋巴细胞体外培养染色体畸变试验等方法进行检测。

    Methods : The studies were conducted with Ames test , micronuclei test and in vitro chromosome aberration test on human lymphocyte .