
léi mǔ
  • rem;roentgen equivalent man
雷姆[léi mǔ]
  1. 如今,许多城市在迈向先锋派建筑师雷姆•库哈斯(RemKoolhaas)所称的“泛化城市”。

    Now , many are converging on what Rem Koolhaas , the avant-garde architect , dubbed " the generic city . "

  2. 描述了一种适用于高能粒子加速器周围杂散辐射场测量的改进型Andersson-Braun中子雷姆仪的原理与结构。

    This paper describes the principle and construction of a modified Andersson-Braun ( A-B ) neutron rem counter which is used for the stray radiation field of high energy accelerator .

  3. 据媒体PageSix报道,32岁的措科身穿蕾丝礼服,搭配披肩,礼服由雷姆-阿克拉(ReemAcra)设计。而27岁的库克则穿着经典的黑色西装。

    Cuoco , 32 , wore a lacy gown with a matching cape . Her ensemble was designed by Reem Acra . Cook , 27 , kept it classic with a traditional black tuxedo , according to Page Six .

  4. 贝聿铭设计的一组摩天大楼和造型怪异的巴洛克式莫顿梅尔森交响乐中心(mortonhmeyerson)等建筑,使得雷姆库哈斯(remkoolhaas)把达拉斯比作“平庸的震源地”。

    A clutch of huge towers and the weirdly Baroque Morton h Meyerson Symphony Center are among the structures designed by Pei that caused Rem Koolhaas to refer to Dallas as the " epicentre of the generic " .

  5. 雷姆计在屏蔽墙内测量高能中子的修正因子

    Rem-Meter Correction Factor for Measuring High Energy Neutrons Inside Shielding

  6. 一个扩展量程球形中子雷姆计的研制

    Development of an extended range spherical neutron rem counter

  7. 平均年剂量当量618毫雷姆。

    The average yearly dose was 618 mrem , and nobody was above the permissible level .

  8. 利用MCNPx程序计算了宽能谱中子雷姆仪的响应曲线。

    The responses of two extended neutron rem counters as function of neutron energy was calculated .

  9. 高灵敏度中子雷姆计数器的研制

    Hign sensitivity neutron rem counter

  10. 以及雷姆•库哈斯为中央电视台设计的总部大厦&倾斜的塔楼互相连接的形式被认为是近来最富有想象力的建筑壮举之一。

    And Rem Koolhaas 's headquarters for the CCTV television authority , whose slanting , interconnected forms are among the most imaginative architectural feats in recent memory .

  11. 不仅如此,荷兰丰富而独特的治水经验、以及诸如梵•高、伦伯朗这样的艺术大师和闻名当今世界的建筑师&雷姆‧库哈斯,无一不是荷兰的骄傲。

    Other examples include Dutch water management , Dutch masters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt and , more recently , the success of architect Rem Koolhaas .

  12. 1958年他伙同他的朋友雷姆-克兰西(他先于汤米从蒂帕雷里来到美国)以及雷姆的兄弟派蒂和汤姆一起成立了乐队,随后财源就滚滚而来。

    By1958 he had teamed up with his friend Liam Clancy and Liam 's brothers Paddy and Tom , who had come from Tipperary to America before him , and the gold continued to accrue .

  13. 本工作将过热液滴均匀地分布在一种软聚合物中,制成了个人中子气泡剂量计,其灵敏度达到每毫雷姆40个气泡。

    In this work , superheated liquid drops were dispersed into a kind of soft polymer homogeneously . A personal neutron bubble dosimeter has been made , and the sensitivity reached to about 40 bubbles / mrem .

  14. 据美联社报道,塞尔维亚的边远山村&奥兹雷姆正在举行第七届世界年度睾丸烹饪锦标赛。比赛中,大厨们烹饪公牛、野猪、骆驼、鸵鸟甚至袋鼠的睾丸。

    Ozrem , a remote Serbian mountain village , is hosting the seventh annual World Testicle Cooking Championship , where chefs cook up bull , boar , camel , ostrich and even kangaroo testicles , AP reported .

  15. 介绍了一个新研制的扩展量程球形中子雷姆计,通过在高能杂散辐射场中与常规中子雷姆计的比较,对高能中子的响应有明显的提高,性能优于常规A&B中子雷姆计。

    A new extended range spherical neutron rem counter was introduced in this paper . In a high energy stray radiation field the neutron response of the new machine is higher than that of standard A - B rem counter .