
  • 网络Thunder Bluff
  1. 在凯恩血蹄的领导下,牛头人保卫他们的城市雷霆崖。

    Under their leader , Cairne Bloodhoof , the Tauren protect their city of Thunder Bluff ;

  2. 哦,我讨厌雷霆崖,你根本找不到好吃的汉堡!

    Oh , I hate Thunder Bluff , you can 't find a good burger anywhere !

  3. 凯恩死去的同时,玛加萨命令他的部落开始夜袭雷霆崖和附近城镇。

    The moment Cairne dies , Magatha orders her tribe to begin a night siege on Thunder Bluff and the surrounding towns .

  4. “在我的包裹里有一张地图,我已经在上边标出了下次会面的地点,”罗尼克说道。“我现在将飞去雷霆崖。

    " In my pack is a map , I have marked it as to our next meeting place ," said Roenic .