
  • 网络correction
  1. TessierNo.0面裂分叉鼻畸形矫正术

    Correction of Tessier No.0 cleft with bifid nose

  2. 目的:介绍中华长城内固定系统(CGWS)在特发性脊柱侧凸畸形矫正治疗中的效果。

    Objective : To introduce a new three dimension correction instrumentation called China Great Wall System ( CGWS ) .

  3. 术中超声监测脑脊液流动在ChiariⅠ畸形矫正术中的应用

    Monitoring of cerebrospinal fluid flow by intraoperative ultrasound in patients with Chiari ⅰ malformation

  4. 目的:研究旋转畸形矫正在脊柱侧凸手术中的意义、矫正中脊髓的耐受程度以及MEP监测的作用。

    Objective : To study and evaluate the derotatoin with MEP monitoring spinal cord function in the scoliosis surgery .

  5. 中央轴空病患者畸形矫正术中的恶性高热风险

    Morbidity of Malignant Hyperthermia in Central Core Disease Patients Undergoing Orthopedics

  6. 眼睑畸形矫正+真皮下血管网皮片移植;

    Correction of eyelid deformity + skin graft with subdermal vascular plexus ;

  7. 目前行前路畸形矫正术。

    Correction of deformity by anterior approach was done presently .

  8. 开放鼻整形术在歪鼻畸形矫正中的应用

    The application of the open rhinoplasty in the treatment of deviated nose

  9. 强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形矫正术后并发应激性溃疡

    Stress ulcer after surgical correction of ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis deformity

  10. 畸形矫正器械,矫形用而这正是游戏公司下一步的目标。

    Deformity-correcting appliance , orthopaedic The game companies want to convert them .

  11. 眼睑畸形矫正+颧部皮瓣;

    Correction of eyelid deformity + cheek skin flap ;

  12. 改良掌板紧缩术在爪状手畸形矫正中的作用

    The Application of Improved Volar Plate Constriction to Correct the Claw hand Talipomanus

  13. 科学形体训练与畸形矫正方法的研究

    The Research Methods of Scientific Training And Congenital Correcting

  14. 烧伤疤痕致颈颏角畸形矫正的探讨

    Study of in Cervico-Mandibular Angle Caused by Burned Scar

  15. 自体下颌骨外板在外伤后严重鞍鼻畸形矫正中的应用

    Application of autogenous outer table of mandibular in severe trauma saddle - nose deformity

  16. 方法①眼睑畸形矫正+创面覆盖中、全厚皮片移植;

    Methods ① Correction of eyelid deformity + middle or full thickness skin graft ;

  17. 软骨支撑法隐耳畸形矫正术

    The correction of cryptotia with cartilage framework supporting

  18. 畸形矫正钢丝架平正了这女孩不整齐的牙齿。

    Braces straightened the girl 's irregular teeth .

  19. 6例因术后畸形矫正不足,关节融合不好又施行了二次手术。

    Patients were performed secondary operation because of unsatisfactory deformity correction and joint fusion .

  20. 脊柱畸形矫正手术很可能导致脊髓牵拉伤。

    Corrective operation of deformities of the spine perhaps result to spinal cord injury .

  21. 结论该术式对双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形矫正有用。

    Conclusion This technique is especially useful to repair the bilateral cleft lip nasal deformity .

  22. 脊柱侧凸旋转畸形矫正的实验研究

    A study of derotation on experimental scoliosis

  23. 记录手术时间并观察足跟局部反应和畸形矫正效果。

    Local reaction at the operation site of heel and postoperative deformity correction were observed .

  24. 结果病人术后鼻底丰满,鼻翼基底上抬,降低了外鼻畸形矫正的难度。

    Results The bone grafting can plump the bottom of nose and alar base support .

  25. 下垂高弓内翻足畸形矫正并获得正常或基本正常的持重行走功能是比较困难的。

    The correction of equinovarus and the recovery of normal or nearly normal walking are difficult .

  26. 结论:旋转畸形矫正在脊柱侧凸手术中起着重要的作用;

    ELLIPTIC REVOLUTION Conclusions : Deroration plays an important role in the corrective surgery of scoliosis ;

  27. 0面裂分叉鼻畸形矫正术的改良方法。

    Cleft with bifid nose .

  28. 目的了解、掌握肢体延长过程中成角畸形矫正的规律,避免并发症。

    Objective To understand the regularity of angular deformity correction and prevent the complications of limb lengthening .

  29. 高颧骨畸形矫正术

    Corrective Operation of High-Malar Deformity

  30. Tessier3型面裂鼻眼畸形矫正3例报道

    Correction of naso-ocular deformity in the patient with Tessier No.3 craniofacial cleft : A report of 3 cases