
jīnɡ yínɡ xiào lǜ
  • operating efficiency;operational efficiency;business efficiency;efficiency of operations
  1. 基于DEA的我国煤炭企业上市公司经营效率分析

    Analysis of Business Efficiency of Coal Mine Companies in China 's Stock Market

  2. 论基于ROE的我国商业银行经营效率

    ROE-based Commercial Bank Business Efficiency

  3. 因子分析与DEA模型结合在城市经营效率分析中的应用

    Factor analysis and DEA model apply to city management efficiency analysis

  4. 农业上市公司经营效率的DEA评价

    Operation Efficiency Appraisal of Listing Companies in Agriculture by DEA Method

  5. 我国期货公司经营效率的DEA评价

    Evaluation of the Operation Efficiency of Chinese Futures Companies by DEA

  6. 基于DEA的商业银行经营效率分析

    The Analysis of Operating Efficiency of Commercial Banks by DEA

  7. 基于DEA的大型煤炭企业经营效率评价与分析

    Operating efficiency of Chinese large coal enterprises based on DEA

  8. 基于DEA模型的国内上市纺织企业经营效率研究

    Research of operating efficiency of domestic listed textile enterprises on DEA mode

  9. 基于DEA的饲料类上市公司经营效率分析

    Analysis on the Evaluation on Productive Efficiency of Listed Feed Companies Based on DEA

  10. 中国保险业经营效率的动态演进:基于DEA与MI模型的考察

    Efficiency Evolution of Chinese Insurance Industry : A Study Based on DEA and MI Models

  11. DEA方法在城市经营效率分析中的应用

    The DEA Analysis to City Management

  12. 基于DEA和SFA方法的寿险公司经营效率实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of Life Insurance Company 's Operational Efficiency with DEA and SFA Model

  13. 第四,以净值收益率ROE分析方法对国内政策性银行的经营效率进行实证分析。

    Using ROE to analyze the operating efficiency of policy banks empirically .

  14. 本文以山东省17个市为例,运用DEA方法探讨城市经营效率的评估方法。

    I use the Date Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) to evaluate the efficiency of Shandong province in this paper .

  15. 从根本上讲,EVA是一种资本应用的效率指标,反映了商业银行以资本和风险管理为基础的经营效率。

    Fundamentally speaking , EVA is the capital efficiency indicators , which reflect the operational efficiency of commercial banks based on capital and risk management .

  16. 同时对多种不同输入、输出指标的组合方案进行了DEA评价,评价结果能够反映港口水运上市公司经营效率的基本情况,为上市公司进行决策提供数据参考。

    The evaluating results are given for different input and output indices projects . The results show the method is efficient and helpful for decision-making .

  17. Malmquist指数分解结果显示技术效率指数的大幅下跌是山东城商行年经营效率普遍下滑的根源。

    Malmquist index decomposition of TFP index showed a sharp decline in technical efficiency .

  18. 综合运用DEA与SWOT方法,对公司生产经营效率、企业内外部战略要素进行了系统全面的深入研究,得出了公司综合战略发展态势的科学评价。

    The fourth , the DEA and SWOT methods are applied to evaluate the enterprises operation efficiency and strategic factors , and the synthetical development strategy is also established .

  19. DEA结果显示,山东省城商行经营效率总体处于攀升阶段,日照银行、齐鲁银行和莱商银行的MTFP指数位居前列,这与因子分析的结果一致。

    DEA results implies that the overall efficiency of urban commercial banks within Shandong province is operating in the rising phase , which is consistent with the result of factor analysis .

  20. 作为一种新的企业业绩评估指标,EVA指标在公司的业绩评估、经营效率和资本运作效率评价、激励制度建设方面具有许多常规指标不可比拟的优势。

    As a new value assessment system , EVA has advantage over traditional indexes in the aspect of company value assessment , business efficiency and capital operation efficiency appraisement , incentive system construction .

  21. 基于对DEA理论的文献回顾和综述,本研究构建了酒店业经营效率测度指标,使酒店效率研究更为规范化。

    Based on the review and synthesis of DEA literature , this thesis constructed measure indexes of hotel industry operating efficiency , So that the study of the hotel efficiency is more standardized .

  22. 通过利用DEA模型对我国30个地区的集约经营效率进行了分析评价,并探讨了制约我国各地区集约经济发展的重要因素及其对策问题。

    By means of the DEA model , this paper evaluates the intensive production efficiency of 30 regions in china and discusses the important factors that restrict the development of regional intensive economy . Then , it brings forward the relative strategies .

  23. 采中介法设立成本函数与利润函数,并分别引用资料包络分析法(DEA)及随机边界分析法(SFA)估计经营效率。

    Under consideration of intermediation approach , a cost function and a profit function are used and data envelope analysis ( DEA ) and stochastic frontier approach ( SFA ) respectively are adopted to measure operating efficiency .

  24. 利用因子分析法筛选财务指标,运用DEA方法计算经营效率,使用Logistic回归方法分别构建基于现行规范的基本判断模型和引入经营效率的改进判断模型,实证验证了经营效率证据引入的有效性。

    Then it utilizes Factor Analysis to choose financial indicators , uses DEA to calculate operational efficiency , constructs basic judgment model based on present guides and improvement model after introducing operational efficiency through Logistic Regression , and proves the validity for operational efficiency evidence 's introduction .

  25. VMI是目前国际领先的物流管理模式,它能为客户带来实现JIT库存、增加市场响应速度、提高经营效率和降低风险等经济价值。

    VMI ( Vender Managed Inventory ) is the most advanced international logistics management mode , which can bring the following economic value to customs , such as producing JIT storage , reducing responding time , increasing management efficiency , decreasing risks and so on .

  26. 采取BOT、TOT、PPP等多种形式使民间资本进入城市公用事业,推动城市公用事业民营化的进程,既可以解决政府财力不足的困难,又可以克服政府独家经营效率低下的弊端。

    By such forms as BOT , TOT , PPP , making private capital enter civil public enterprises , to promote this course can not only solve the economic difficulties of the government , but also overcome the disadvantages of the government 's low efficiency for lack of competition .

  27. 可持续增长财务管理模型是建立在一系列假设条件基础上计算出满足公司资本结构和经营效率的销售收入可持续增长率SGR,并以此为依据对销售收入进行日常控制和未来规划。

    Sustainable growth , financial management model based on series of assumes illustrates the sustainable growth rate ( SGR ) which accords with the capital structure and operational efficiency . With the SGR we can control and plan the growth level of sales revenue .

  28. 其经营效率比齐国程度高出24%。

    Its operating efficiency was24 % better than the national levels .

  29. 寡占型市场结构破坏了市场竞争,降低了经营效率。

    Oligopoly obstructs market competition and decreases the efficiency of banks .

  30. 水电上市公司经营效率评价

    Evaluation of Management Efficiency for Hydropower Company Coming into the Market