
  • 网络finished vehicle logistics;Final vehicle product Logistics;fvl
  1. 该装载仿真演示系统与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,界面友好,应用于整车物流企业实际装载运作指导和市场推广演示。

    This simulation system , with a kind user interface , is organically combined with the integrated environment of UG . It is also very useful in market demonstration and has a valuable practical and directive significance in finished vehicle logistics .

  2. 我国整车物流发展趋势及资源整合问题研究

    A Study on Finished Vehicle Logistics in China : Its Development Trend and Resource Integration

  3. 基于RFID的整车物流业务流程优化与实现技术研究

    The Application Research of RFID in the Process Optimization and Realization Technology in Vehicle Logistics Management

  4. 尤其是对物流效率依赖性比较强的汽车行业,完善的物流体系才能保证汽车产业集群中JIT生产和个性化的整车物流需求,现代物流业是汽车产业集群发展的强大驱动力。

    Especially for the automotive industry of the relatively strong dependence of the efficiency of logistics , the logistics system of sound ensures vehicle logistics needs of JIT production and personalized in the automobile industry cluster , modern logistics industry is a powerful driving force of automobile industry cluster development .

  5. 阐述了研究商用整车物流的必要性,讨论了商用整车物流的特点,在此基础上设计了商用整车第三方物流的基本业务流程,并提出了商用整车第三方物流TQCS解决方案。

    This paper illuminates the importance of research on commercial vehicle logistics , and discusses the characteristic of commercial vehicle logistics . On this basis , the basic operation process of commercial vehicle TPL is designed , and a TQCS solution for commercial vehicle TPL is proposed .

  6. 汽车整车物流模式的决策方法研究

    Research on the Decision-making Method of the Whole Automobile Logistics Pattern

  7. 中国汽车零部件物流与整车物流的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Logistics of Automobile and Its Parts in China

  8. 星形整车物流联盟的收益分配机制研究

    Study on Income Distribution Mechanism in Star-like Finished Vehicle Logistics Alliance

  9. 整车物流网络规划集成优化模型研究

    Research on integrated optimization model for automobile logistics network design

  10. 基于混合粒子群算法解决整车物流网络优化问题

    Based on Mixed Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Full Vehicle Logistics Network Optimization

  11. 我国汽车业整车物流的分析

    An Analysis of Automobile Logistics in Domestic Automotive Industry

  12. 基于物流能力约束的整车物流计划

    On Distribution Scheduling of Auto-Logistics Based on Logistics Capability

  13. 整车物流企业优选指标体系研究

    Criteria System for Optimized Selection of Vehicle Logistics Enterprises

  14. 整车物流标准化的研究与探索

    Research and Exploring for Standardization of Automobile Logistics

  15. 汽车整车物流的整合及其解决方案研究

    Research on Integration of Vehicle Logistics and Solutions

  16. 第三方整车物流企业竞争力影响要素分析

    A Research on the Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Third Party Complete Vehicle Logistics Enterprises

  17. 整车物流仓储网络优化关键技术研究与应用

    Study & Application on the Pivotal Optimization Techniques of the Finished Vehicle Logistics Storage Network

  18. 汽车工业中的整车物流业

    Complete Vehicle Material Flowing in Auto Industry

  19. 整车物流中委托代理问题的研究我国整车物流发展现状与发展策略

    The Issue of Principal-Agent of Vehicle Logistics Chinese Actuality and Developing Strategy of Complete Vehicle Logistics

  20. 汽车整车物流核心竞争力评价指标体系研究

    A Study on Index System for the Core Competitiveness Evaluation of the Final Vehicle Product Logistics

  21. 整车物流网络的再设计。

    Distribution network redesigning .

  22. 因而合理建立全面的评价指标体系,计算整车物流企业客户满意度指数至关重要。

    So it is im - portant to build up general evaluation system and compute the index of customer satisfaction .

  23. 整车物流降低成本、提高效率与服务水平是汽车制造业提升竞争力的重要手段之一。

    Reducing cost , improving efficiency and service are important to automobile logistics , they are key means to enhance competitiveness .

  24. 本文分析了我国整车物流的现状和存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了整车物流的发展策略。

    This paper puts forward developing strategy of complete vehicle logistics on the base of analyzing actuality of Chinese complete vehicle logistics and problems .

  25. 近年来在汽车消费市场的迅速发展和现代物流发展的推动下,我国整车物流也迅速发展起来。

    With the development of automobile market and modern logistics technique in the past few years , Chinese complete vehicle logistics is developing rapidly .

  26. 同时,如何正确评价汽车整车物流企业的核心竞争力,也是投资者进行投资、汽车生产厂商选择其物流合作伙伴所必须考虑的问题。

    And how to evaluate core competitiveness of final vehicle product logistics enterprises also is the problem that investor and Auto manufacturer should be considered .

  27. 期望本文研究结论能对东风轻型商用车整车物流改善起到指导和参考作用。

    The conclusion and suggestion of the study is expected to have some improvement roles and some reference for the vehicle logistics of Dongfeng Light Vehicle .

  28. 国内由于汽车企业发展较晚,因此整车物流发展滞后,起点相对较低,管理水平落后。

    The vehicle corporations in our country develop not for a long time , so the development of logistics lags with lower base and underdeveloped management .

  29. 以昌铃公司实际发生的案例进行分析,对将整车物流业务外包或者打算外包的企业有很好的借鉴意义。

    It is a very good reference for the vehicle logistics business outsourcing or outsourcing companies from actual analysis of the case happened on Changhe suzuki .

  30. 第五章经过对整车物流的概念、特点分析总结出整车物流精益化过程中的问题,并提出针对性的策略;

    The fifth chapter summarized the problems of finished car logistics , through analysis on the concepts and characteristics of finished car logistics , proposed the countermeasures .