
  • 网络integration center
  1. 在多达八级的听觉级层中,下丘组织是一个很重要的信息整合中心,在上行和下行通路中都有着很重要的作用。

    In up to eight hearing levels . the inferior colliculus is a very important information integration center , which has an important role in the ascending and descending auditory pathways .

  2. SOA整合中心是Web服务与非Web服务的合并的SOA与后端企业系统的集成。

    A SOA integration hub is the integration of consolidated SOAs of Web services and non-Web services with back-end enterprise systems .

  3. 将SOA合并成连接到一个或更多主机系统的整合中心,这些主机系统运行在不同的平台上。

    Consolidate SOAs as an integration hub connecting to one or more mainframe systems running on different platforms .

  4. 然而,SOA整合中心不同于面向服务的整合(service-orientedintegration,SOI)。

    A SOA integration hub , however , is not the same thing as service-oriented integration ( SOI ) .

  5. 处理该问题的一种方法是在二维平面中画出整合中心的X、Y和Z轴。

    One way of handling this issue is to draw X , Y and Z axes of the integration hub in the two-dimensional space .

  6. 我有多个实例,它们关于将可复用的SOA合并成与主机系统相连的整合中心,我提出如下四步来创建中心

    When I have multiple instances of consolidating reusable SOAs as an integration hub connecting with mainframe systems , I suggest the following four steps for creating the hub

  7. 蕈形体是昆虫脑中重要的感觉整合中心。

    The mushroom bodies are the major center of sensory integration in the insect brain .

  8. 在处理中心上,建立一个自身需要到整合中心去整合的数据包的标识列表。

    It establishes an identifier list of data packet which is to be integrated in the integrating center .

  9. JeffWaage教授是伦敦国际发展中心的主任、Leverhulme农业与卫生整合研究中心的主席。

    Professor Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and chair of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health .

  10. 新成立的Leverhulme农业与卫生整合研究中心(LCIRAH)是朝着这个方向迈出的一步。

    The new Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agricultural and Health ( LCIRAH ) is a step in this direction .

  11. 论政治秩序的维护&以政治冲突、政治整合为中心之分析

    An Analysis of the Maintenance of Political Order

  12. 它以整合为中心,力求系统化管理,强调协调与统一,注重规模化与现代化建设。

    It takes the integration as a center , strives for systematization management , stresses on harmony and unification , and pays attention to scale-oriented and modernization construction .

  13. 对区中心医院来说,被整合区中心医院和对照组医院均存在规模经济,收治病人的数量尚未达到最优规模。

    To district-level central hospitals , economies of scale existed both in integrated district-level central hospitals and control hospitals , but the number of accepted patients failed to reach the optimum scale .

  14. 对郊县中心医院来说,无论长期还是短期,被整合郊县中心医院和对照组医院均存在规模经济,而且随着时间的推移,两者的规模经济值呈下降趋势。

    In the case of suburban central hospitals , economies of scale , no matter long-term or short-term , existed in the integrated suburban central hospitals and the control group . Moreover , as time passed by , their economies of scale dropped .

  15. 在1999年,被整合郊县中心医院规模经济值要大于对照组医院,但是随着整合的进行,被整合郊县中心医院规模经济的值从2000年开始小于对照组医院。

    In 1999 , economies of scale of integrated suburban central hospitals was larger than that of the control group , but with integration moving on , economies of scale of the former began to go lower than the latter starting from 2000 .

  16. 这个高度整合的高科技中心位于首尔附近,使用思科(Cisco)提供的服务,建筑由美国KPF建筑师事务所设计。它代表着把城市构思为中央商务区这一时代的到来。

    A fully integrated high-tech hub near Seoul with services supplied by Cisco and architecture design by US firm KPF , it heralds the advent of city-conceived-as-CBD ( central business district ) .

  17. 将这些系统整合到远程中心里,可以更有效地进行管理。

    By consolidating these systems in remote centers , they can be handled more efficiently as a group .

  18. 考虑了正向物流和逆向物流的设施集成与运输整合以及回收中心的处理技术配备问题。

    Considering the integration of facilities and combined transportation of forward logistics and reverse ( logistics ) as well as the equipment problem of processing technologies for return centers .

  19. 城市监视系统整合共享研究(中心控制终端)

    The Research of Urban Monitoring System ( Centering Control Terminal )

  20. 这个航站楼将包含一个整合的联运运输中心,将直接与当地和国家的铁路网络相连。

    The terminal will feature an integrated multi-modal transport center with direct links to local and national rail services .

  21. 通过本文的研究,可以真正为我省交通信息资源整合工程建设数据中心提供理论依据,并具有一定的可操作性。

    This study provide a theoretical basis for Resource Integration Project of Heilongjiang Traffic Information , and this study is feasible .

  22. 通过和谷歌平台整合,克利夫兰医学中心帮助用户和提供者免费建立国内的电子医疗记录存储。两个系统之间的整合有助于传递医疗记录信息。

    By integrating with the Google platform , Cleveland Clinic is helping create national access to electronic medical records at no cost to the user or provider .

  23. 在整合与超越人类中心主义的功利价值观与生态中心义的自然价值观基础上,构建了以人为本的水伦理价值观。

    In the integration and beyond the utilitarian anthropocentrism and ecological values of the natural values of justice center on the basis of interpretation of the scientific development concept and building a " people-oriented " Ethical Values of water .

  24. 为阐明财务资源整合及其在企业购并中的重要作用,本文结合实际案例,围绕着购并企业财务资源整合这一中心论题,从理论到实证,从典型到一般,分四个部分对此展开了论述。

    To illuminate the vital function of the financial resource reconfiguration in the enterprise-m & a , this thesis will dissertate the core topic from four part .

  25. 接着探讨了MPA教学资源整合的总体思路:完善以教学管理为核心的制度体系;健全MPA管理体系,建立教学资源整合协调中心;建立资源整合的过程监测和结果评价机制。

    It then discusses the general idea of MPA teaching resources integration : improve the system of teaching management as the core ; perfect MPA management system ; set up teaching resources integration and coordination center ; build resources integration process monitoring and outcome evaluation mechanism .

  26. 此外,恰逢全国煤炭资源整合之际,山西南关矿业集团作为山西省煤炭资源整合的主要集团之一,对小煤矿整合路径及配置中心的设置成了当务之急。

    In addition , with the occasion of the national coal resource integration , South Gate Mining Group of Shanxi Coal Mining Group as the main groups becomes the path of integration and configuration of small coal mines to set the center become a priority .

  27. 整合营销传播将关系作为其核心价值观,维护与管理品牌与顾客和相关利益者之间的关系成为整合传播的中心任务。

    In Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ), the relationship is its core value , and safeguarding and managing the relationship between brand value and customers and stakeholders is its main task .