
  • 网络shaping circuit;wave shaping circuit
  1. 为了能送入到后端基于FPGA设计的数字电路,设计了整形电路。

    To fed the back-end FPGA-based digital circuit design , it should design shaping circuit .

  2. 同时,外围的相位整形电路,构成相位反馈回路,在FPGA内部相位反馈控制器的控制下,形成相位闭环回路,从而保证了单相数字移相器输出信号的高精度和稳定度。

    At the same time , the peripheral phase shaping circuit make up of the phase feedback loop , under the control of the FPGA internal control module , ensuring output signal of high precision digital phase shifter and stability .

  3. 该超声波发射电路包括门控电路(RS触发器)及微分/整形电路,接收电路则由接收、放大及信号筛选、整形电路组成。

    This ultrasonic measurement system include transmitting part which contains the gating and differential circuits , and receiving part which contains the signal magnify and filtration circuits .

  4. 该系统由接收、发射一体型超声波传感器、发射电路、前置放大电路、滤波电路、AGC、整形电路、单片机处理电路、温度补偿电路、RS485串口通信电路等组成。

    It consists of transmitting circuit , pre-amplifier filter , AGC , shaping circuit , MCU , temperature compensation and RS 485 serial interface circuit .

  5. 硬件由单片机、PLD、信号整形电路等组成,软件包括人机界面、通信、数据处理等模块。

    The hardware consists of the singlechip , PLD , and signal transformation circuit . The software includes the man-machine interface , communication , and data processing , etc.

  6. 系统由G-M管、高压模块、信号整形电路、电源模块、单片机和无线传输模块等部分组成。

    The system by G-M tube , high-pressured module , signal conditioning circuit , power source module , monolithic integrated circuit and wireless transmission module is composed .

  7. 系统的硬件组成包括速度脉冲检测与整形电路、逻辑控制电路、STD工业控制机、速度比上下限设定电路、计数器及其控制电路、模拟脉冲发生电路;

    The system is composed of speed pulse test and reshaping circuit , logic control circuit , STD industrial control machine , setting circuit for limit of speed ratio , counter and control circuit , genesis circuit for simulating pulse .

  8. 特别地,为了减少PLL的锁定时间,在偏置电路中引入限频电路;为了给PLL提供全摆幅的是信号,在VCO的输出电路后设计了整形电路。

    In order to reduce the lock time of PLL , the frequency limiting circuit is introduced to this VCO . In order to provide a full swing of frequency source , a shaping circuit is introduced in this VCO .

  9. 两种新颖的准谐振型电流陡脉冲整形电路

    Two Novel Quasi-resonant Steep Current Impulse Rectifying Circuits

  10. 阐述了一种基于阶跃恢复二极管的脉冲快速沿整形电路设计。

    Based on step recovery diode , a pulse fast edge shaping circuit is realized .

  11. 传感器放大电路主要包括:放大电路,滤波电路,整形电路等。

    The sensor magnify circuit mostly includes magnify circuit , filtration circuit , transmutation circuit .

  12. 脉冲整形电路采用了施密特触发器结构,将信号整形的同时,增大了输出驱动能力。

    Pulse shaping circuit utilizes the Schmitt trigger structure to increase the output drive capability .

  13. 文中给出了使用该方法分析脉冲产生电路和脉冲整形电路的实例。

    The examples of analysing pulse generator and pulse shaper by the method are also introduced .

  14. 电路设计主要包括偏置电路、环形振荡器单元电路以及整形电路等内容。

    In this paper , circuit design mainly includes bias circuit , ring oscillator circuits and shaping circuit unit .

  15. 信号调理电路包括光电转换电路、信号放大电路和整形电路。

    A signal conditioning circuit consists of a photoelectric conversion circuit , a signal amplification circuit and a shaping circuit .

  16. 文中给出了光电隔离电路、脉冲整形电路、四倍频与辨向电路以及位移显示电路的详细原理图;

    Photo-electric isolating circuit , pulses correcting circuit , frequency-multiplying and direction-discriminating circuits and displacements displaying circuit are given in detail .

  17. 经过对简单电压比较器与滞回比较器特点的比较,设计了由滞回比较器组成的整形电路;

    And designed shaping circuit composed of retardation voltage comparison after comparing characteristics of simple voltage comparison and retardation voltage comparison .

  18. 除此,幅值解码通路还包括电压比较电路、多反馈带通滤波电路、检波电路、整形电路等;

    In addition , the amplitude decoding includes the voltage comparing circuit multitude feedback band-pass filter circuit demodulation circuit regulating circuit ;

  19. 并且通过在整形电路中增加限幅放大器,可以进一步提高计数检波器的性能。

    In addition , the count demodulator 's performance can be further improved by adding a slicing amplifier in the wave-shaping circuit .

  20. 采用脉冲宽带放大技术和精密门延时技术成功研制了慢正电子束技术正电子寿命谱仪中斩波器控制信号的相位调节和脉冲整形电路模块。

    We have developed a chopper control electronic module of slow positron beam facility , utilizing broadband amplification technique and high-accuracy gate-and-delay technique .

  21. 为减小干扰及提高检测电路的灵敏性,采用滞回电压比较器作为整形电路,取得了良好的效果。

    And voltage comparator with retardation has been chosen as the shaping circuit to minish undesired signal and to improve the sensitivity of circuit .

  22. 信号通路中包括信号发生放大电路、滤波电路、整形电路和输出电路。

    The circuits which signals transit in , including amplifying circuit , filter circuit , export circuit , etc were placed in the same chapter .

  23. 环境γ辐射剂量率监测系统主要包括以下几个部分:1、γ探测器(简称探头)和电压跟随整形电路。

    Radiation dose rate monitoring system consists of the following components : 1 . γ detector ( referred to as the probe ) and voltage follower and shaping circuit .

  24. 硬件是由计算机、RS232/RS485转换器、变频器、异步电动机、光电传感器、脉冲信号整形电路、PCL-818H数据采集卡和外部执行机构组成的系统。

    The hardware includes computer , double communication cable , RS232 / RS485 conversion , inverter , sensor , pulse shaping circuit , PCL-818 data acquisition card and exterior execute machine etc.

  25. 详细阐述了I/V转换电路模块、模数转换采集电路模块、转速信号滤波整形电路模块和远端显示电路模块及接口电路的设计。

    The design of I / V converter module circuit , ADC module circuit , speed signal per revolution filter shaping module circuit , remote display module circuit and interface circuits are expounded .

  26. 相位测量采用零交叉整形电路,零点补偿电路以及软件的毛刺剔除技术,解决了测相中的死角、死区、以及滤波电路所带来的误差。

    In phase measurement , the instrument used zero-crossing shaping circuit , zero-drift compensation circuit and software burr rejection technique . It has solved problems of dead-zone and filter circuits errors in phase measurement .

  27. 论文分析了由雪崩晶体管组成的窄脉冲发生电路和阶跃二极管组成的脉冲整形电路的原理与特性。为纳秒和亚纳秒级脉冲电路的设计与实现提供了必要的理论依据。

    The thesis analyses the principles and characteristics of the pulse generator composing from avalanche transistor and step recovery diode ( SRD ), the analysis provide the necessary theoretic bases for design and realization nanosecond and sub-nanosecond pulse circuit .

  28. 在链路的网络接口卡上设计和实现了激光器的电流源驱动电路以及具有宽动态范围的光电探测器放大整形电路,实现了激光器的自动功率保护。

    Current source laser diode driver circuit and photo detector amplification and rectification circuit with wide dynamic range have been designed and implemented on the network interface card , automatic power control of the laser diode has been achieved .

  29. 该烟度仪利用光电传感装置将烟度转换为电信号,通过放大整形电路进行处理,然后经A/D转换电路转换为数字信号,由单片机将数字信号直接转换成烟度值实时显示出来。

    This instrument transformed the smoke density to an electronic signal through photoelectric sensors . The signal was transacted in amplifier and shaping circuits , then the worked signal was transformed to a digital signal through A / D transform circuit .

  30. 给出了传动误差测量系统的整体设计,包括前置整形放大电路、误差采集模块及FIFO数据缓冲器、USB2.0传输模块、PC机等。

    The overall design of transmission error measuring system is presented , including pre-shaping and amplifying circuit , error sampling module , FIFO data buffer , USB 2.0 transmission module and PC.