
  1. 基于Web的新型塑料性能数据库的研制与开发

    Research and Development of New Plastics Property Database Based on Web

  2. 添加润滑剂及增塑剂对R-PVC注塑料性能的影响

    Effect of Lubricant and Plasticizer on the Properties of R-PVC Injection Material

  3. 玻璃纤维增强PET工程塑料性能及界面研究

    Study on properties and interfacial surface of Glass Fiber Reinforced PET engineering plastics

  4. 阻燃填充剂对ABS塑料性能的影响

    Effects of flame retardant fillers on ABS plastics

  5. 表面改性TiO2光催化作用及对PVC塑料性能影响

    The Photocatalysis of Surface Modified TiO_2 Particles and Its Effects on PVC Plastics

  6. 阐述了ABS塑料性能、预处理方法、涂料品种、技术指标和涂装工艺。

    The performance , pretreatment method , coatings categories , technical specification and finishing process for ABS plastics are described .

  7. 根据注塑模CAE的需要,在VISUALFOXPRO环境下开发了模具材料、塑料性能和加工工艺参数数据库,可用于注塑模拟分析。

    According to the requirment of injection mold CAE , the databases of mold materials , plastics properties and processing technical parameters are developed at Visual Foxpro environment . The databases can be used to analyse injection molding process simulation .

  8. 硬脂酸对大豆蛋白质塑料性能的影响

    Effect of Stearic Acid on the Properties of Soy Protein Plastic

  9. 含铁络合物类光敏剂降解塑料性能的研究

    Study on the Property of Degradable Plastics Containing Ferric Complex Photosensitizers

  10. 增塑剂对小麦蛋白基塑料性能的影响

    Effect of A Plasticizer on the Properties of Wheat Gluten Plastics

  11. 研究了各组份对酚醛注射塑料性能的影响。

    The effects of composition on phenolic injection plastics were studied .

  12. 三类热固性塑料性能与成型工艺

    Properties and Moulding Process of Three Ands of Thermosets Materials

  13. 塑料性能测试中一些问题的探讨

    Discussion on some problems in the test of plastics properties

  14. 添加铝酸盐类长余辉发光粉的夜光塑料性能研究

    Study on Property of Luminescent Plastics Filled with Aluminates-class Long Phosphorescent Powders

  15. 制备工艺对大豆蛋白质塑料性能的影响

    The Effect of Processing Technology on the Property of Soy Protein Plastics

  16. 改善模塑料性能的苯酚改性蜜胺树脂的制备

    Preparation of phenol modified melamine-formaldehyde resin with advanced molding properties

  17. GB/T1446-1983纤维增强塑料性能试验方法总则

    The generals of test methods for properties of fiber-reinforced plastics

  18. 集成电路封装用环氧树脂模塑料性能影响因素研究

    Study on Parameters Affecting Properties of Epoxy Molding Compound for Integrated Circuit Packaging

  19. 塑料性能可比单点数据和多点数据测试标准的分析与探讨

    Analysis on Test Standards for Comparable Single-point Data and Multipoint Data of Plastics Properties

  20. 塑料性能数据库的现状与发展

    Present Situation and Future of Plastic Materials Database

  21. 甘油和木糖醇复合增塑剂对大豆蛋白塑料性能的影响

    Influence of complex plasticizers containing glycerol and xylitol on the soy protein plastic characteristics

  22. 以木粉为基质的生物降解塑料性能的研究

    Properties of Biodegradable Plastics from Wood - powder

  23. 聚全氟乙丙烯塑料性能与阀门衬里工艺含氟丙烯酸酯光致聚合物的全息特性研究

    The characteristics of FEP and lining technics of valves Holographic Performance of Fluorinated Acrylate Photopolymer

  24. 随着塑料性能的改进及模具技术的不断发展,越来越多的产品被塑料制品所取代。

    Along with the improvement of plastic performance and the development of mold technology , more and more products are substituted by plastic products .

  25. 介绍了非金属矿填料对塑料性能的影响、各种填料矿物及其改性产品在塑料中的应用。

    Abstract This paper introduces influence of nonmetallic minerals fillers on plastics performance , application of mineral fillers and their modified products in plastics .

  26. 在这种计算方法中还考虑到了温度对塑料性能的影响,并提出了温度-弹性模量&摩擦系数的迭代运算过程。

    In this calculation method , the influence of temperature upon the property of plastics is considered and an iteration process of temperature-elasticity module-friction coefficient is proposed .

  27. 分析纤维表面处理方式、纤维长度及添加量、复配树脂体系等因素对酚醛模塑料性能的影响,探讨纤维增强原理及其断裂机理,为开发新型酚醛模塑料及其性能优化提供理论依据。

    The influence of different surface treatments , length and content of fiber , and blend resin matrix on the properties of phenolic molding compounds were analyzed .

  28. 为便于玻璃纤维增强塑料性能估算的实际应用,在相关国家测试标准的基础上,我们对玻璃纤维丝束的拉伸性能做了些对比试验研究。

    For better estimation of GFRP properties , the authors made some experimental studies about tensile properties of glass fiber tow according to corresponding Chinese national test standards .

  29. 通过对聚醚酰亚胺塑料性能的研究,确定了典型制品过滤器壳体的注射成型工艺,证明了聚醚酰亚胺可用于制造特殊的过滤器壳体。

    Injection molding technology of typical plastic filter shell was settled up by studying the property of polyetherimide resin , proved that polyetherimide resin could be used to make special plastic filter shell .

  30. 以熔体流动速率为例,阐述塑料性能测试条件应尽量接近生产和使用条件。

    It is pointed out that the testing conditions of plastics properties should near the production and application conditions as far as possible by taking melt flow rate ( MFR ) for an example .