
  • 网络plastic wave
  1. 本文采用Malvern的线性超应力模型和Wood等人的特征线处理方法得到加载区一维塑性波的数值解并与Bell的实验进行了较为广泛的比较。

    In this paper malvern 's linear overstress model and Wood 's scheme of characteristics are used to obtain the solution to one-dimensional incremental plastic wave . Theoretical calculations are more widely compared with Bell 's experimental data and better agreement between them is obtained .

  2. 本文导出了定态塑性波阵面上的粘性系数η的关系式,并利用它计算Barker从实验上给出的6061-T6铝中的定态塑性波阵面上的η值。

    The expression of the viscous coefficient at the steady plastic wave front is derived in this paper . Using this expression , we have calculated 1 at the steady plastic wave front from the Barker 's experimental results of 6061-T6 Aluminum .

  3. 讨论了理论临界冲击拉伸速度:从理论临界拉伸速度的定义出发。采用J-C及Z-A本构关系计算了OFHC材料塑性波趋于零时的不同的临界冲击拉伸速度。

    The theoretical critical impact velocity in tension is discussed : For OFHC copper , the theoretical critical impact velocities ( the plastic wave speed reaches zero ) in tension are calculated with J-C and Z-A constitutive relations and the obvious differents are indicated . 7 .

  4. 侵彻过程塑性波在钨合金弹体中传播速度的研究

    Research of plastic wave velocity in tungsten alloy penetrators during penetrating

  5. 弹塑性波的研究现状与趋势

    The present situation and the tendency of the research on elastoplastic waves

  6. 线性超应力模型在一维塑性波中的适用性

    On the applicability of linear overstress model in one-dimensional plastic waves analysis

  7. 楔形杆中弹塑性波的一种渐近展开式

    An asymptotic expansion for elastic-plastic waves in a wedge rod

  8. 一维弹塑性波在土-结构体系中传播的有限元分析

    Analysis of one-dimensional elasto-plastic wave propagation in soil-structure system by finite element method

  9. 弹塑性波计算中的光滑粒子法

    Computations of Elastic-plastic Waves by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

  10. 本文用有限元方法分析了一维弹塑性波在土-结构体系中的传播问题。

    In the paper the problem of one-dimensional elasto-plastic wave propagation is studied by FEM .

  11. 这些结果对于解决杆中弹塑性波传播问题是必需的。

    These results are necessary for solving the problem of elas-tic-plastic wave propagation in a bar .

  12. 模拟结果表明,塑性波模型能更多地反映出地震波的传播特征。

    Numerical modeling result proves that plastic wave model shows more seismic wave properties than others do .

  13. 爆炸地震波经过冲击波、弹塑性波和弹性压缩波的发展过程。

    The explosive seismic wave is developed from shock wave to plastic-elastic wave and into elastic wave .

  14. 然后,讨论了各向异性弹塑性波的传播性质,证明了各向异性弹塑性静力学也存在应力增量势函数;

    It is proved that there exist the potential functions of stress increment for anisotropic elastoplastic statics .

  15. 这些结果与分析侵彻过程中做出的在弹体中塑性波传播速度比弹性波传播的速度要慢的多的假设不同。

    All these results are difference with the assumption made for analysis that plastic wave speed was actually much lower than elasticity wave speed in penetrating process .

  16. 弹体尾部在塑性波传播过程中的破坏,可能会被反向传播的弹性波从弹体上拽掉,这将降低弹体携带的能量,从而影响到穿深。

    Destruction of penetrators tail in a plastic wave spread process can be pulled down by elasticity wave backward spread , this can take energy out from penetrator and bring effect on penetration depth .

  17. 但是根据计算获得的侵彻时间,和侵彻结束时弹体已完全破坏的情况分析,塑性波的速度应与计算值有相同的量级。

    But according to the penetrating time obtained by calculating , and analyzing destruction of penetrators in penetrating process end , one can say that plastic wave speed should has same measurement with calculation .

  18. 采用人工预制裂纹方法,分析高速冲压条件下45号钢柱体内置裂纹扩展的动态响应行为,用弹塑性波理论很好地解释了钢体裂纹扩展过程。

    The dynamic respond behavior of internal crack spread for steel 45 at high impact speed was analysed by artificially manufacturing internal crack and the crack spread mechanism can be explained by the elastic plastic wave theory .

  19. 根据回收弹坑中钨合金穿甲弹在侵彻结束时已完全破坏的特征,采用二级轻气炮研究了撞击时钨合金中塑性波传播的特性。

    According to the characteristic of remain tungsten alloy penetrators in recover crater that was destroyed in penetrating end , spread peculiarity of plastic wave of tungsten alloy in impact has been studied using two stage light gas gun .

  20. 失稳控制方程、边界条件、塑性波阵面上的连续条件和补充约束条件构成定量求解两个特征参数和动力屈曲模态的完备条件。

    The necessary and sufficient conditions of determining quantitatively the two characteristic parameters and buckling modes consist of stability equations , boundary conditions , continuity conditions at the front of axial plastic wave , and the supplementary restraint condition .

  21. 结果显示,在这种功能梯度装甲板中,应力波的传播非常复杂,弹性和粘塑性波耦合在一起,反射拉伸波和卸载波的大小依赖于组份成分沿厚度的分布;

    The results show that the stress wave propagations in such gradient structures are very complex . The elastic and viscoplastic waves are coupled together and the amplitude of reflected tension wave and the unloading wave have very close relation with the gradient distribution of the composition .

  22. 弹塑性平面波传播中弹塑性边界的间断性质

    On discontinuous properties of elastic-plastic boundary in elastic-plastic plane wave propagation

  23. 亚洲中东部地区塑性流动波(慢波)与地震活动

    Plastic-flow waves (" slow waves ") and seismic activity in central-eastern Asia

  24. 岩石圈塑性流动波的实验研究(Ⅱ)

    Experimental studies of plastic flow waves in the lithosphere (ⅱ)

  25. 观察到不同冲击强度下冲击波的弹塑性双波结构和超越。

    The elastic-plastic and overtaking shocks are observed at different shock strengths .

  26. 中国东南地区塑性流动波与地震迁移(Ⅰ)

    Plastic-flow waves and earthquake migration in Southeast China (ⅰ)

  27. 一维应变弹塑性压缩波传播中由反向塑性变形引起的拉应力区

    Tensile stress regions caused by reverse plastic deformation in one-dimensional strain elastic-plastic compressional wave propagation

  28. 文中计算了铝板受撞击杆未穿透撞击时弹塑性应变波滑板面的传播,并与实验结果相验证。

    The Elastic-Plastic strain wave propagation on the plate impacted by a hitter is computed and compared with experimental results in this paper .

  29. 本文用奇异面理论研究了弹塑性平面波传播中弹塑性边界间断的几个性质。

    Several properties of the weak discontinuity across an elastic-plastic boundary in plane wave propagation have been investigated by using the theory of singular surface .

  30. 结果表明,背板材料的性能对其抗弹效益存在着较大的影响,其中塑性和波阻抗是两个主要影响因素。

    The results indicated that it has a remarkable influence on ballistic effectiveness . Among properties , plastics and wave resistance are two major effect factors .