
  • 网络Speckle interferometry;DS-CASI;AS-CASI
  1. 激光散斑干涉法测物体表面的温度场

    Measurement on Surface Temperature Distribution by Laser Speckle Interferometry

  2. 可以设想,全息干涉法和散斑干涉法的综合应用将是测量物体三维位移场和解决实际问题的一种行之有效的方法。

    It is expected that the comprehensive application of holographic and speckle interferometry to the measurement of a 3-d displacement field would be an effective method for solving practical problems .

  3. 光学图象边缘增强的激光散斑干涉法RNA干涉技术

    Laser Speckle Interference Technique for Image Edge Enhancement RNA interference

  4. 首次将剪切散斑干涉法引入到PLC效应的研究中,观察了PLC带的离面变形行为。

    By using digital speckle shearography , the behavior of out-plane deformation of the PLC bands is studied .

  5. 本文将借助动态数字散斑干涉法,对室温下退火Al合金中的PLC效应进行系统地研究。

    By the dynamic digital speckle pattern interferometry ( DSPI ) technique , the PLC effect in Al alloys is investigated in the present work .

  6. 无损伤测量法分为:X射线衍射法、中子衍射法、磁性法、超声波法、电子散斑干涉法、金属磁记忆法。

    The second method is composed of X ray method , neutron diffraction method , magnetism method , ultrasonic method , electron spot intervening method , metal magnetism memory method .

  7. 本文用电子散斑干涉法对硬夹杂铝、空洞夹杂试件在拉伸载荷作用下的离面位移场进行了测量,对其试验结果用Matlab语言进行了数字图像处理。

    In this paper , the vertical displacement field of hard aluminum inclusions , voids inclusions in the tensile loads was measured using electronic speckle pattern interferometry , its test results-digital images were processed with Matlab language .

  8. 本文综述了有关电子散斑干涉法(ESPI)和Vidco全息干涉技术的一些近期成果。

    Recent research results developed with Electronic . Speckle Pattern Interferometry ( ESPI ) and Video Holographic Interferometry were briefly reported in this paper .

  9. 本文提出了一种利用电子散斑干涉法(ESPI)检测漫射表面三维轮廓的新方法。

    Sensitivity A new method for the inspection of three & dimensional contour of a diffusely ref-lecting object using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry ( ESPI ) is presented .

  10. 在撞击载荷下的数字散斑干涉法(DSPI)中,本文联合应用加法和减法两种模式提出了位相测试技术。

    A technique for measuring phase field produced displacement under impact loading using digital speckle pattern interferometry ( DSPI ) with combining the digital subtraction and add mode is presented .

  11. 电子散斑干涉法在研究双材料界面力学行为中的应用

    Study of Bimaterial Interfacial Mechanical Behavior by Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

  12. 用电子散斑干涉法测量材料热膨胀系数

    Application of electronic speckle pattern interferometry in thermal expansion coefficient measurements

  13. 采用电子散斑干涉法对车灯配光镜内部缺陷问题的研究

    Interior Flaws Study of Car Light by Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

  14. 电子散斑干涉法在平面小振幅振动测量中的应用

    An Application of ESPI in Small-Amplitude Vibration Measurement for a Plane

  15. 激光散斑干涉法是近代光学的一项新技术。

    Laser speckle interferometry is a new technique in latter-day optics .

  16. 复合孔径散斑干涉法及其在断裂力学中的应用

    Multiple aperture speckle interferometry method and its application in the fracture mechanics

  17. 激光散斑干涉法测定干涉螺接孔边应力分布

    Interference stress distribution near holes measured by laser speckles interferometry

  18. 旋转孔径频闪散斑干涉法用于缺陷检测

    Defect Measurement Based on Rotating Aperture - Stroboscopic Speckle Interferometry

  19. 三维相移电子散斑干涉法在柴油机机身中的应用

    3D-ESPI With Phase-Shifting And Its Application In Diesel Engine Research

  20. 孔径径向扫描白光散斑干涉法的研究白光贴片云纹干涉法

    Investigation of white-light speckle interferometry with radial scanning aperture

  21. 电连接器接点两维形变的激光散斑干涉法测量

    Displacement for Electrical Contacts of Connector by Laser Speckle Interferometry Measurement of 2D

  22. 利用激光散斑干涉法与光谱技术实时监测淋巴流的动态特征

    Dynamic Change of Lymph Flow Monitored by Laser Speckle Interference and Spectroscopy Methods

  23. 激光散斑干涉法在岩石力学试验中的应用

    A preliminary applicability study of laser speckle interferometry in experiment of rock mechanics

  24. 利用电子散斑干涉法测量金属表面的位移场斑纹切位变干涉测定

    Out-of-Plane Displacement Measurement by Using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

  25. 本文提出了斜光轴剪切散斑干涉法。

    This paper presents oblique-optical-axis shear speckle method .

  26. 二次剪切散斑干涉法测量曲率和扭率

    Secondary speckle interferometry for measurement of curvature and torsion the torsion balance secondary cut

  27. 全息干涉法和普通光弹性法相结合产生了全息光弹性法。与此类似,本文建议将散斑干涉法和光弹性相结合形成具有一定特点的散斑光弹干涉法。

    A method of combining speckle interferometry with photoelasticity for stress analysis is presented .

  28. 电子散斑干涉法在振动测量中的物光位相调制法

    Phase modulating in ESPI for vibration pattern measurement

  29. 激光散斑干涉法测量力学参数

    Measurement of mechanical parameters with laser speckle interferometry

  30. 氧化铝多孔膜变形的时间序列散斑干涉法检测

    Investigation on Bulge Deflection Measurement of Porous Alumina Membranes using Temporal Sequence Speckle Pattern Interferometry