
  1. 散装化学品码头泄漏事故危险性的模糊评判

    Leakage risk assessment with fuzzy comprehensive to the chemical terminal

  2. 散装水泥码头装卸工艺设计

    Loading and Un loading Technique for Bulk Cement Dock

  3. 秦皇岛港散装液货码头风险评价

    Risk Assessment on the Liquid Dangerous Goods Terminal of Qinhuangdao Port

  4. 散装液体化学品码头风险综合评价的研究

    Risk Assessment on Liquid Chemicals Terminal

  5. 通过分析当前散装水泥船、码头装卸设施及未来发展趋势,介绍了一种新型散装水泥船的特点和船型关键技术。

    Based on the analysis of current bulk cement carrier s , terminals and their future development trend , this paper introduces the features and key techniques of ship form of a new-type bulk cement carrier .