
  • 网络scattering loss;scatter loss
  1. 分析表明,单模光纤的Rayleigh散射损耗与功率限制因子密切相关;

    There is a strong correlation between the Rayleigh scattering loss and the power confinement factor .

  2. 在激光反射镜的光学损耗里,表面散射损耗(SSL)对高精密的激光仪器性能和实验影响尤甚,有时是致命的。

    The surface scattering loss ( SSL ) in the optical loss of laser reflectors is the main , sometimes fatal influence on the performance and test of high-grade precision and advance instruments .

  3. 无序材料中的电磁耦合场量子理论及SiO2和GeO2玻璃中光的瑞利散射损耗

    Theory of polaritons in disordered materials and Rayleigh scatterings in SiO_2 and GeO_2 glasses

  4. 发现热物理老化减少了PMMA聚合物中的局部取向,使其形成少量的半结晶或结晶区,增加了其散射损耗;

    It was found that scatter loss of POF increased because of the heat-physical-aging , which could reduce the local tropism of polymethyl methacrylate ( PMMA ) polymer and then a few half-crystal or crystal zone formed ;

  5. 分析了SOI脊形波导内部损耗的主要物理机制,给出了波导侧壁粗糙度引起的散射损耗和自由载流子吸收损耗的控制途径。

    The approaches to control FCA and scattering loss induced by sidewall roughness were proposed due to the waveguide sidewall roughness on the base of the analysis of main physical mechanism of SOI rib waveguide internal loss .

  6. 分析了双包层光纤激光器(DCFL)耦合方程的解析解,并对信号光散射损耗、后腔镜泵浦反射率等影响掺镱DCFL斜线效率的典型参数进行了理论研究。

    An analytic solution of Yb-doped double-clad fiber lasers ( DCFL ) is presented , and some typical parameters which may influence the slope efficiency of DCFL are discussed based on this analytic solution , such as the reflection of pump power and the signal 's scatter loss .

  7. 氟化物玻璃光纤非本征散射损耗的理论分析

    Theoretical analyses of extrinsic scattering loss in fluoride glass fiber

  8. 单模光纤的瑞利散射损耗研究

    Investigation on Rayleigh scattering loss in single mode optical fibers

  9. 光泵远红外激光自吸收效应和散射损耗的修正

    Self-absorption effect and scattering loss revision for the optically pumped far infrared laser

  10. 激光反射镜的散射损耗分析与设计

    Analysis of scattering loss of laser reflector and design

  11. 从耦合模理论导出瑞利散射损耗

    Deriving Rayleigh Scattering Loss From Coupled Mode Theory

  12. 测量光纤吸收损耗和散射损耗的一种简单有效方法

    A simple effective method for measurement of absorption loss and scattering loss of optical fibers

  13. 这说明O2(~1△)经过冷阱后进入光腔的质量非常好,这个结果也为今后光腔设计提供了一个腔内散射损耗的数据。

    This result also provides the data of scattering loss in cavity for resonator design .

  14. 矩量法研究平面波导点缺陷引起的散射损耗

    Moment Method Study for the Scattering Loss Caused by a Point Defect in a Planar Waveguide

  15. 同时,提高纤芯掺杂浓度、减小信号光散射损耗也能增大斜线效率。

    Higher concentration of Yb and lower signal loss will also obviously improve the slope efficiency .

  16. 研究了各种工艺因素对氟锆酸盐玻璃和光纤散射损耗的影响。

    The effect of technological parameters on the scattering loss of fluoroziconate glass fiber is studied .

  17. 光学薄膜的散射损耗

    Scattering loss in optical thin-film

  18. 激光反射镜中的吸收散射损耗,限制了反射率的进一步提高。

    The further improvement of the reflectance of the laser mirrors is restricted by the absorbing and scattering losses .

  19. 我们通过一种简单方法来在线测量陶瓷散射损耗对激光器性能的影响。

    We present a simple technique to on-line measure the influence of scattering loss of ceramic on laser performance .

  20. 损耗在波导环腔全光开关中的作用和影响连续波氧碘化学激光器腔内散射损耗测量


  21. 弯曲波导插入损耗(不包括由于结构缺陷而产生的光的散射损耗)由两部分组成纯弯曲损耗和过渡损耗。

    The insertion loss ( except the dispersion loss produced by the configuration defection ) of S bend includes two parts : pure bending loss and transition loss .

  22. 测定了晶体中的散射损耗约为1×10-3cm-1.详细讨论了引起晶体开裂的主要原因,并在此基础上基本解决了晶体开裂的难题。

    In this paper , the scattering loss in the crystals is about 1 × 10 - 3 cm - 1 . The reasons that lead the crystal to crack in detail and solve this problem finally were discussed .

  23. 提出了薄膜的设计要求:吸收、散射损耗小,激光损伤阈值高,以及高反射膜和输出半反射膜的反射率要求。

    The request of the design of the film is put forward that : the low absorption and scatting loss , the high laser damage threshold , and the request for the reflectivity of the high-reflectivity film system and half-reflectivity outputting film .

  24. 分析了高反射膜系中的驻波场分布和吸收散射等光学损耗,将G(LH)~sA和G(HL)~sHA两种反射膜系进行了比较。

    At the same time we analyzed the distribution of standing-wave field and the absorption and scatting optical-loss of high-reflectivity film system , and compared the difference between two film systems of G ( LH ) ~ s A and G ( HL ) ~ s HA .

  25. 用有限元/边界元法(FEM/BEM)研究了表面波器件中非同步区域中体波散射引起的损耗。

    The losses due to bulk wave scattering on non-synchronous area in SAW device was studied using boundary element method combined finite element method ( FEM / BEM ) .

  26. 给出了对声波激励下对流层超视距散射通信散射损耗与无声波激励时散射损耗的对比,对声波激励下对流层超视距散射通信性能做出了评估。

    Based on the results we contrast the acoustic excitation troposphere over-the-horizon communications scattering loss and scattering waves excited in silent scattering loss . At last we make an assessment about the troposphere over-the-horizon communications scattering performance in existence the acoustic .

  27. 本文计算了对流层散射通信的传输损耗,计算出了在有声波存在条件下,声波对通信损耗的增量。

    This paper calculated tropospheric scatter communications transmission loss , and calculated in the presence of a sound , the changes about the communications loss .

  28. 根据平板波导散射原理建立了矩形光波导的散射损耗理论模型。

    The rectangle optical waveguide scattering loss theory mode was established and its validity was proved by optical simulation .

  29. 通过等效关系及散射理论模型确立了梯形截面光波导的散射损耗与表面粗糙度及尺寸精度之间的关系,为光波导微模具的制作及其模制工艺提供理论指导。

    With perturbation method and scatter loss theory , the optical loss caused by the surface roughness and dimension error was confirmed . Guidance was provided for the waveguide mould manufacture and injection moulding . 3 .

  30. 并指出受激拉曼散射效应在光通信中具有既能补偿吸收和散射引起的损耗,又能补偿光纤色散引起的脉冲展宽的优点。

    The merits of SRS in optical communications for compensating both the intensity loss and pulse expanding due to fiber dispersion are emphasized .