
sàn chǎng
  • let out;empty after the show
散场 [sàn chǎng]
  • [let out] 演出、比赛等结束后,观众离开

散场[sàn chǎng]
  1. 这个体育场能在四分钟以内让观众全部散场。

    The stadium can be emptied in four minutes .

  2. 电影刚刚散场。

    The movie has just let out .

  3. 戏院散场以后,街上顿时挤满了人。

    After the theatre let out , the street was at once thronged with people .

  4. 电影散场了。

    The movie is over .

  5. 我们和一大群人在橄榄球比赛散场时纷纷撤离比赛场。

    We were leaving a football game in a throng of people .

  6. HL-1装置水平杂散场的优化补偿

    Optimized compensation of horizontal stray field in the HL-1 TOKAMAK

  7. 近年来对基于MOS技术制造的离子散场效应晶体管(ISFET)的特性研究做了大量的工作。

    Recently much work has been done to characterize Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors ( ISFET ) based on MOS technology .

  8. 并给出了离散场等值线的计算机可视化填充技术,即利用RGB颜色模型,对三角形网格进行处理。

    Besides , it supplies the computer visual filling technique of dispersed field isograms , treating triangular gridding by use of the RGB color model .

  9. 本文描述HL-1装置的水平杂散场及其动态优化补偿的实验研究和理论计算。

    The horizontal stray field and its optimized dynamic compensation in the HL-1 tokamak have been studied both experimentally and theoretically .

  10. 对于薄膜材料,可以通过MFM图像得到样品表面磁荷和杂散场分布,以及从磁滞回线上得到的相关信息,我们可以确定薄膜的磁畴结构的特点。

    For the film material , the film domain structures characteristics were determined through the sample surface magnetic charge and the stray field distribution obtained from the MFM image and the relevant information from the hysteresis loop .

  11. 毕业了,就让这荒唐的青春这样散场吧。

    Graduation , let this ridiculous youth so it after the .

  12. 散场后你们会去逛公园

    And afterwards , you could have gone to the park ,

  13. 我真恨不得这出滑稽戏就此散场。

    I began to hope that the farce was at an end .

  14. 环流-I装置环向场系统的杂散场

    Stray field of toroidal magnetic field system in the Tokamak

  15. 定常辐散场产生的涡源和定常波能量传播

    Vorticity Source by Stationary Divergent Wind and Energy Propagation of Stationary Waves

  16. 电影还没有散场,你怎么能离开呢?

    How can you leave before the film is over ?

  17. 大型活动散场交通流的时空消散规律

    Traffic Flow Time Space Dissipation Rule Under Large-scale Activity

  18. 苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。

    This surely would end it , thought Tess .

  19. 基于数据离散场等值线绘制的研究

    The Drawing of Isograms Based on Data Dispersed Field

  20. 每天散场时,我总感到空虚落寞。

    Everyday when the performance is over , I always feel empty and lost .

  21. 高空急流轴倾斜以及急流出口区右侧强辐散场的出现要早于暴雨的发生。

    The incline jet axis and strengthened convergence happen earlier than the rainfall does .

  22. 薇薇安:好啦,我们走吧,电影散场了。

    Vivienne : Come on , let 's go , the movie 's over .

  23. 你接受了《他给的爱》,现如今我们如《散场电影》各分东西。

    You accept " his love ", now we such as " dreaming " sub.

  24. 生活的唯一指向,是一场没有散场的电影。

    The only point of life is a movie with no end at all .

  25. 罗布总喜欢呆在聚会散场。

    Rob always liked to stay at partied until the last gun was fired .

  26. 电影一小时前散场。

    The film ended an hour ago .

  27. 电影散场后我们立即离去。

    We left straight after the movie .

  28. 演技太差劲了,我们等不通讯戏散场就走了。

    The acting was stiff and we couldn 't wait for the play to end .

  29. 散场,我们用心记住每个人的样子,记住那青春的容颜。

    Finish , we remember everyone look like , remember that the appearance of youth .

  30. 然而,就嘉莉而言,不存在什么散场后的玩乐。

    There was no after-theatre lark , however , so far as Carrie was concerned .