
sǎn shè jǔ zhèn
  • scattering matrix
  1. TM波照射时喷气发动机进气道的极化散射矩阵

    The polarization scattering matrix of jet engine inlet irradiated by TM radar wave

  2. 同时计算出散射矩阵S(λ,k)的确切表示,并对其性质作了探讨。

    At the same time , the obvious expression about scattering matrix S (λ, k ) is calculated . Its properties are discussed also .

  3. n口网络散射矩阵不变性定理及其应用

    A Theorem of the Invariance of the Scattering Matrix of N-port Networks

  4. 对TM波照射下喷气发动机进气道的极化散射矩阵进行了分析计算。

    The polarized scattering matrix of inlet irradiated by TM wave is analyzed and calculated in this paper .

  5. 另外计算了SOIMOSFET微波器件的散射矩阵。

    The numerical algorithm on the SOI MOSFET 's scatter parameters has been carried out .

  6. Stokes散射矩阵是描述电磁波偏振性质的一种有用的方法。

    Stokes scattering matrix is an useful method for description of the polarized properties of electromagnetic waves .

  7. 极化雷达以散射矩阵或Stokes矩阵的形式,记录了更多的地物回波信息。信息源的增多,有利于提高岩性分类的精度。

    Polarimetric Radar records Stokes of Scattering Matrix of backscattering waves , which increases the classification precision .

  8. 这个问题的研究可用来解决喷气式发动机进气道对电磁波的反射,进一步地利用本文的结果可计算进气道的雷达截面(RCS)或极化散射矩阵。

    As above results , the polarized scattering matrix or radar cross section ( RCS ) of inlet can been calculated .

  9. 极化合成孔径雷达干涉(Pol&InSAR)技术将SAR极化测量引入干涉应用,利用全极化SAR系统进行干涉测量,对极化散射矩阵进行干涉分析。

    Polarimetric techniques are introduced into interferometric applications in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry ( Pol-InSAR ) . Pol-InSAR techniques make the interferometric analysis of each pixel for various polarization combinations .

  10. 从1946年GSinclair提出目标极化散射矩阵概念以来,雷达极化技术已经历了六十年的研究。

    Form 1946 when G Sinclair presented the conception of the target polarization scattering matrix , the radar polarization technology has been researched for about 60 years .

  11. 本文提出并证明了网络理论中关于n口网络的散射矩阵的一个定理,并简要地介绍了它在电路网络分析和设计中的一些应用,表明本定理是很有用的。

    A new theorem of the invariance of the scattering matrix of n-port networks is proposed and proved . The theorem is useful in the analysis and design of electrical networks , and some of its applications are mentioned briefly .

  12. 自旋梯可积模型的本征能量和两体散射矩阵可通过Betheansatz的方法求得。

    The eigenvalue and two_ particle scattering matrix of spin_ladder model are obtained with coordinate Bethe Ansatz method .

  13. 它为研究计算飞机进气道的RCS或极化散射矩阵,以及波导的不连续性提供了一个有效方法。

    According to the research results obtained , the polarized scattering matrix or RCS of the inlet of an aircraft and the non continuity of the waveguide can be calculated .

  14. 提出了一种新的改进算法,解决了极化测量数据不等于目标真实极化散射矩阵带来的问题。建立了极化SAR干涉测量地形参数的算法流程。

    A new improved algorithm was set up in the dissertation , and it can solve the problems caused by the fact that the measured polarimetric data are always not equal to the real scattering matrixes of the target .

  15. 基于矢量FEM-BEM方法的三维目标电磁散射矩阵特性分析

    On the Property of Matrices from 3-D EM Scattering Problems with Hybrid Vector FEM-BEM Method

  16. 该方法结合模匹配法与广义散射矩阵连接技术确定膜片的多模散射特性,然后推导出一种实用的近似公式,为E面电路的计算机辅助设计提供了一条减少内存和运算量的途径。

    The mode-matching method and the generalized scattering matrix connection technique were used to determine the multi-mode scattering property of the septum and an efficient closed form was derived for CAD of E-plane circuits with a small size program and less computation time .

  17. 氢化锆中氢的散射矩阵的计算和WIMS库的扩充及评价

    Calculation of Scattering Matrix of H in ZrH and Evaluation of WIMS Library Data

  18. 借助于结的本征值,将结的内部问题转化为结的散射矩阵,从而建立了铁氧体加载的H面波导环行结的三维场理论。

    The internal problem ( solving and matching in the e. m. field ) of the junction is transformed into a scattering matrix by menas of the eigenvalues of junction . A three-dimentional field theory for the ferrite-loaded cyclic H-plane waveguide junction is thus established .

  19. 求出单粒子、双粒子和N0个粒子的本征能量,同时求得粒子的两体散射矩阵。

    Finally , the two-particle scattering matrix is calculated by the eigenvalue equation and the continuous condition of the wave function .

  20. 文中同时指出了由Sinclair散射矩阵还原目标散射矩阵,从而获得特征多项式的逆变换过程。

    In the meantime , it shows clearly the inverse process of getting the eigenvalue polynomial from converting the Sinclair scattering matrix into the generalized scattering matrix .

  21. 介绍了雷达极化理论中常见的辛克莱(Sinclair)散射矩阵、米勒(Mueller)散射矩阵、格雷伍斯(Graves)功率散射矩阵等极化散射矩阵,并对其特性进行了较详尽的分析。

    The Common polarization scattering matrices in radar polarization theory are presented in this paper , such as Sinclair scattering matrix 、 Mueller scattering matrix and Graves power scattering matrix .

  22. 本文应用Airy函数和散射矩阵方法研究了外加偏压对三元准周期超晶格高能态电子隧穿性质的影响。

    In this paper the effect of the bias voltage on the resonant tunneling of high_energy electron in three_tile quasiperiodic superlattice is investigated by scatter matrix method with Airy function .

  23. 本文利用Floquet理论、散射矩阵以及有效质量近似理论研究了磁性半导体异质结中光子辅助的量子输运特性。

    In this thesis , the photon-assisted quantum transport properties in magnetic semiconductor heterostructure are investigated by using Floquet theory , the scattering matrix and the effective-mass approximation theory .

  24. 本文从烟颗粒凝团的微观形貌入手,建立各种形貌模型,并基于Maxwell电磁传播理论,围绕Stokes散射矩阵,采用T矩阵法全面地分析了烟颗粒的光散射特征。

    In this work , two kinds of shape models are developed for the smoke particles based on their microcosmic morphologies . The Stokes scattering matrices of smoke particles are analyzed by solving the Maxwell equations through the T-matrix method .

  25. 利用Cameron分解法对极化SAR图像进行分析,将目标的极化散射矩阵与8类具有特定散射机理的典型散射体匹配,根据匹配角度提出了一种分类算法,从而对地物目标进行分类;

    The Cameron decomposition method is adopted to analyze polarized synthetic aperture radar ( PSAR ) images . The polarization scattering matrix of the target is matched with eight specific scatterers , and a classification algorithm is presented based on the match angle to classify the targets .

  26. 本文首次给出柱形体的一种有价值的极化散射矩阵Ss定义,Ss具有六个自由度,它包含了柱形体散射的所有信息,并给出计算平行极化RCS的垂直极化RCS等公式。

    A new valuable definition of EM polarization scattering matrix S s for cylinder , which has six freedoms and includes all information of the scattering wave of cylindrical scatterer , is presented . Some formulae of calculating the parallel polarization RCS and the vertical polarization RCS etc.

  27. 作者对轫致辐射的散射矩阵S(T,-T)进行了计算,这里2T指轫致辐射中的相互作用时间。

    In this paper we calculate the scattering matrix S ( T , - T ) for the bremsstrahlung process , here 2 T is the effective interaction time of the bremsstrahlung process .

  28. 本文提取包含任意极化信息的目标体复数RCS的相关功率散射矩阵的迹作为目标特征,利用Hopfield神经网络的联想记忆功能,对含有不完全信息的雷达目标进行了鲁棒性的自动识别。

    In this paper , the trace of the related power scattering matrix , which contains the target complex polarization , is extracted as target signatures , and the robust radar target identification from partial information is presented based on the Hopfield neural network 's content addressable memory .

  29. 给出了电导计算的Landauer-B(?)ttiker公式以及利用散射矩阵求透射系数的方法,还介绍了介观体系中弹道声子输运过程以及热导的研究;

    It is explained the Landauer-B ü ttiker formalism for calculating the conductance and the scattering matrix method for calculating the transmission coefficient .

  30. 运用散射矩阵方法,研究了Neumann边界条件和Dirichlet边界条件在低温下对结构不连续的纳米结构中的声学声子输运系数的影响。

    We investigate the effect of boundary conditions on the low temperature phonon transport in a quantum waveguide with structural defects by using the scattering-matrix method . A comparison between transmission coefficients is made when Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied for acoustic modes , respectively .