
  • 网络Bulk density
  1. 跳汰机床层某一位置的散密度、真密度、灰分、各密度级含量等床层参数之间存在着一定的相互关系。

    At a specific layer of a jig bed , its parameters as bulk density , true density , ash content , and density fractions bear a certain relationship .

  2. 本文介绍了精煤灰分在线测量系统的基本原理,提出了解决散密度对测量影响的方法。

    This paper introduces the basic principle and basic composition of on-line measurement system for fine coal ash . The methods are put forward for solving the effect of bulk density on measurement .

  3. 之后,通过散点密度来控制散点的生成。

    It uses dot density to control the procedure of generating dots .

  4. 结果:NOS阳性神经细胞在翼腭神经节中呈不均匀散在分布,密度自出生后呈逐渐下降趋势,到成年降至最低,并恒定直到老年。

    Results : The NOS positive cells are scattered in pterygopalatine ganglion .

  5. 铁路散堆装货物密度计量装置的研究

    Research on density measurement device for railway bulk cargo

  6. 菲涅耳深区的散斑光强概率密度

    Speckle intensity probability density in deep Fresnel diffraction region

  7. 中期22髋,其中19髋股骨头骨皮质中断,其内出现裂隙及散在囊状低密度影;

    The middle stage of 22 hip joints with 19 of cortical broken or cystic low density ;

  8. 衬比值比较小,并且CCD记录的散斑图像互相统计独立时,Rayleigh分布函数是实际的积分散斑强度概率密度函数的一个很好的近似。

    Theoretic analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the Rayleigh distribution is an effective approximation function of the PDF of integrated laser speckle data , when the speckle contrast value is very small and the time sequential speckle images are statistically independent .