
  • 网络scattering length
  1. 数值模拟结果表明,只要最大Lyapunov指数小于零,不同的s-波散射长度对应不同的周期轨道。

    Numerical simulation shows that there are different periodic orbits according to different s-wave scattering length only if the maximal Lyapunov exponent of the system is negative .

  2. 也就是说,二元BEC中的孤子碰撞行为可以通过种间散射长度来调控。

    That is to say , the collision property of the two solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates can be controlled by the time-dependent interspecies scattering length .

  3. 将从夸克层次得到的K+N相互作用应用到K氢原子中,从散射长度得到能级移动。

    K + N interaction obtained from the constituent quark model is used in the calculation about the K hydrogen . The energy shift is obtained from scatting length .

  4. 在77~300K的温度范围内,对自旋散射长度、自旋极化率等自旋极化输运特性进行了研究。

    Spin-polarized properties , including the spin scattering length and the spin polarization , are investigated at the temperature ranging from 77 to 300K .

  5. 迄今为止,实验上已经可以利用Feshbach共振来调控凝聚体中粒子的散射长度,从而粒子之间的相互作用对BEC中孤立子动力学的影响也成为一个有趣的课题。

    So far , it has been realized that controlling the scattering length of atoms in condensate via Feshbach resonance . Thereby it is an interesting subject that the effect of interatomic interaction on dynamics properties of solitons is considered in BEC .

  6. 结果表明,通过Feshbach共振使散射长度随时间增加时,凝聚体中的黑孤子会演化成稳定的灰孤子;当散射长度随时间减少时,凝聚体中的灰孤子将向黑孤子演化。

    It is shown that , when the scattering length increased via Feshbach resonance , the black soliton transforms into the stable gray soliton in condensates ; and when the scattering length decreased by Feshbach resonance , the gray soliton turns into the black soliton .

  7. 同时,我们也发现原子-分子相互作用对散射长度有一定的影响。

    Meanwhile , the atom-molecule interactions also have effects on the scattering length in varying degree .

  8. 我们采用平均场理论推导了s波散射长度的解析表达式。

    Using the mean field theory , the analytical formula of the scattering length is obtained .

  9. 并仿照CM-Ⅱ中的方法估计了散射长度。

    The scattering lengths have also been estimated in accordance with the method used in CM - ⅱ .

  10. 在特定磁场下,粒子间的s波散射长度会趋于无穷大,散射截面会满足幺正极限。

    The s-wave scattering length diverges at certain magnetic field , while the cross section saturates the unitary limit .

  11. 计算结果表明通过改变光场的拉比频率或中心频率可以在较大范围内对散射长度进行调制。

    The results show that the scattering length can be modified in a large range by changing the Rabi frequency or the optical field frequency .

  12. 金属中自旋翻转散射长度远长于电子平均自由程,近来关于自旋翻转散射效应的研究主要集中于扩散区域。

    Because the spin-flip length is longer than the electron mean-free-path in a metal , past studies of spin-flip scattering were limited to the diffusive regime .

  13. 我们计算了散射长度在负无穷附近的费米气的基态能量,得出了与蒙特卡洛计算一致的结果。

    The ground state energy of the gas with the scattering length near negative infinity is obtained , and the results are in good agreement with the Monte Carlo calculations .

  14. 结果表明,两个孤子间发生碰撞的位置、时间和频率均与种间散射长度密切相关。

    It is shown that the interspecies scattering length has an important effect on the solitons collision property of the condensates . The position , the time , and the frequency of the collision between two solitons are relative to the time-dependent interspecies scattering length of the condensates .

  15. 在此基础上,本文在实验中分析了超声探头焦点位置的不同以及背向散射信号长度的变化对测量结果的影响。

    In this way , an effect of different focus placement and different signal length for backscatter coefficient has been analyzed specifically .

  16. 研究了纵向受激布里渊散射样品的长度、抽运光能量大小、材料种类对纵向受激布里渊散射脉宽压缩效应和散射光能量提取效率的影响。

    Influences of length of LSBS media and pump energy on energy reflectivity and pulse compression of Stokes light are investigated .

  17. 当散射杂质的长度很大时,传输矩阵理论导致了指数发散的计算困难,而散射矩阵理论避开了这一困难,得到了比传输矩阵理论更精确的结果。

    When the length of scattering impurity is large , transfer matrix theory leds to the difficulty in the calculation of index of divergence .

  18. 其原因正如我们所提出的散射分层传输模型所描述的,后向散射是多层散射信号经过不同长度的水体所对应的低通滤波后的叠加。

    The reason , as we described in the scattering multi-layer transfer model we proposed , was that backscattering was a superposition of the multi-scattering signals through the low-pass filter corresponding to the different length water .