
  • 网络Gombe
  1. HettyvandeRijt-Plooij录下了一群黑猩猩的各种鸣叫、尖叫、和呼嚎,在这群黑猩猩中,有17只年幼黑猩猩是坦桑尼亚贡贝国家公园的野生黑猩猩。

    She recorded the various screams , barks , and hoocalls made by a group of chimps , including 17 youngsters , living in the wild in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania .

  2. 到目前为止,珍在贡贝从事研究工作已有38年了。

    Jane has been doing research at Gombe for38 years now .

  3. 当她1960年最初来到贡贝时,对女性来说,住进大森林还是很稀罕的事情。

    When she first arrived in Gombe in1960 , it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest .

  4. 他在毗邻金沙萨的贡贝进行投票,贡贝是全国少数几个道路铺设良好的地区之一。

    He voted in the Gombe neighborhood of Kinshasa , one of the few parts of the country with nicely paved roads .

  5. 经乳胶试验和/或培养,从贡贝、吉加瓦、卡诺和卡齐纳州采集的脑脊液标本检测A群脑膜炎奈瑟菌呈阳性。

    Cerebrospinal fluid specimens collected from Gombe , Jigawa , Kano and Katsina states have tested positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A by latex test and / or culture .