
  1. 给出正交各向异性有限变形下的统一粘塑性理论中的Walker模型的本构表达并成功地利用参数控制法(GPM方法)对其进行数值计算,推导出Walker模型的隐式应力积分过程。

    The constitutive expression of Walker unified viscoplastic model for orthotropic materials under finite deformation is presented in this paper . Governing parameter method ( GPM ) is applied successfully to calculate it . The implicit stress integration procedure is presented .

  2. 应用弹粘塑性理论分析弹塑性问题的加权残数法

    Elasto - plastic Analysis by the Weighted Residual Method and Elasto - viscoplastic Theory

  3. 这就为弹粘塑性理论发展与应用提供十分广阔前景。

    There will provide very extensive foreground for development and application of the theory of elasticity-viscoplasticity .

  4. 本文采用弹粘塑性理论,首次运用加权残数法来解决弹塑性分析的问题。

    In this paper , the weighted residual method and the elasto-viscoplastic theory is applied to elasto-plastic analysis .

  5. 本文将粘塑性理论用于海冰荷载分析,并将现有的一维蠕变方程推广到二维形式,采用非线性有限元方法计算了作用在一单桩结构上的最大静冰力。

    In this paper the theory of viscoplasticity is applied for the analysis of sea ice loads , and a mathematical creep model under uniaxial stress condition is generalized to a triaxial formulation .

  6. 根据一致粘塑性模型理论,结合所做的混凝土单轴动力特性试验,对常用的混凝土本构模型Drucker-Prager模型进行改进,引入应变率的影响,推导了Drucker-Prager材料的一致率型本构模型;

    According to viscoplastic consistency model and the dynamic experimental results of concrete , a Drucker-Prager consistent rate-dependent model is set up . It evolves from the classical Drucker-Prager model by incorporating the effect of strain rate on concrete .

  7. 基于粘弹塑性理论局部焊后热处理评定准则研究

    Study on Assessing Criterion in Local Postweld Heat Treatment Based on Visco-elastic-plastic Theory

  8. 非线性流变结构性软粘土弹粘塑性固结理论及砂井地基沉降计算

    Elastic-Viscoplastic Consolidation Theory of Non-linear Rheologic Structured Soft Clay and Settlement Calculation of Vertical Drains Ground

  9. 这种包括应力、应变和时间三者在内的本构关系就是基于粘弹塑性理论而建立的土的流变力学。

    Based on the elastic-viscoplastic theory , the constitutional relation which contains stress , strain and time is called rheological mechanics of soil .

  10. 在目前本构关系的研究中,通常基于传统的弹性、弹塑性、粘弹塑性理论(在考虑水的影响时还结合达西定律或其修正关系);

    Some classical elastic and plastic theories are adopted , or some traditional plastic theories considering darcy 's law are recommended to study soil constitutive models .

  11. 然后应用断裂力学和粘弹塑性理论,得出了具有屈服、蠕变和Ⅱ型裂纹扩展等物理力学特性的岩体隧洞的衬砌与围岩应力的解析表达式。

    By the use of the theory of fracture mechanics and visco-elasto-plastic theory , the stress formulas of lining and wall rock of hydraulic tunnel are also presented .

  12. 结合固体材料蠕变机理理论,分析研究了盐岩的蠕变机理,用粘弹塑性理论建立了盐岩蠕变本构模型。

    Through creep mechanism analysis of solid materials , the creep mechanism of rock salt has achieved , a creep constitutive model of rock salt is made by using visco-elastic-plastic theory .

  13. 创立下列几个新的本构关系:弹塑性应变理论、热弹塑性应变理论、弹粘塑性应变理论、热弹粘塑性应变理论。

    New constitutive relations including theory of elasto plastic strain , theory of thermal elasto plastic strain , theory of elasto viscoplastic strain , theory of thermal elasto viscoplastic strain are presented .

  14. 将力学模型引入大坝安全监测领域,结合变形监测资料,提出了利用三维粘弹塑性理论拟定大坝二级监控指标的原理和方法。

    On the basis of deformation observation data and the application of mechanical models in dam safety monitoring , the theory and method for determining grade two monitoring indices of dams with three dimensional viscoelastic plastic theory are put forward in this paper .

  15. 在Bodner-Parton粘塑性本构理论的基础上,以损伤量为内变量建立了含损伤材料的本构方程,损伤演化方程同时考虑了应力成该机理和应变成核机理。

    Based on the Bodner-Parton theory , the constitutive equation of ductile material with dynamic damage is discussed by means of an internal state variable . Both the effects of stress nucleation and strain nucleation are considered in the damage evolution equation .

  16. 岩体的广义弹粘塑性块体理论

    A general formulation of elastic-viscoplastic block theory of rock masses

  17. 岩体三维弹粘塑性块体理论的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Three Dimensional Elastic-viscoplastic Block Theory for Rock Masses

  18. 为解决路基土力学课题,分析时多采用与岩土材料力学性质相适应的弹性、粘弹性以及塑性理论。

    Usually , Elastic , plastic and viscoelastic theories are used in FEM to solve soil mechanics problems of embankment .

  19. 采用弹粘塑性有限元理论分析了路面在竖向静荷载和循环荷载作用下的应力和变形特性,并与试验结果进行了比较。

    Stress and deformation characteristics of pavement under static and cyclic loads are analyzed with the elasto viscoplastic finite element theory . The results of calculation and experiment are compared .

  20. 首先提出了基于统一弹粘塑性本构理论的有限无法,然后利用微观力学模型研究了弹性纤维增强弹粘塑性基体的复合材料应力&应变关系。

    The finite element method based on elastic-viscoplastic constitutive theories was presented , then the micromechanics model was used to study the nonlinear stress-strain relations of composites cf which the elastic-viscoplastic matrix is reinforced by the elastic fibers .

  21. 运用弹粘塑性比奥固结理论,针对深圳西海堤加高加固工程的实际情况,建立了弹粘塑性比奥固结有限元模型,同时编制了相应的有限元计算程序。

    A finite element model of Biot consolidation of the elastic and viscous plasticity is established by using the Biot consolidation theory of elastic and viscous plasticity according to the actual conditions of the heightening-and-reinforcing of the west sea embankment of Shenzhen City .

  22. 热(粘)塑性失稳理论和周期脆性断裂理论是关于锯齿形切屑形成的两大理论,分析表明TC4钛合金锯齿形切屑形成属于热(粘)塑性失稳理论。

    The theories of saw-toothed chip include thermal viscoplastic instability theory and periodic brittle fracture theory . The analysis shows that chip formation mechanism of titanium alloy belongs to thermal viscoplastic instability theory .

  23. 粘塑性统一本构理论的传统构造方法是唯象法。

    The traditional method for constructing unified constitutive models is typically phenomenological .

  24. 在弹-粘塑性边界单元法理论方面国外学者已做了许多工作;

    A lot of studies on the theory of elasto-viscoplastic BEM have been performed abroad , but a little in China .

  25. 阐述了现有的半导体单晶位错模型,即临界切应力模型和粘塑性模型的基本理论及应用状况。

    The basic theories and the applications of both the critical resolved shear stress model and visco-plastic model are presented for predicting the dislocation density during crystal growth process .

  26. 本文首先对刚粘塑性有限元的理论进行了阐述,给出了刚粘塑性材料的基本假设及塑性力学基本方程,介绍了刚粘塑性有限元的变分原理及求解过程。

    The basic assumption of the visco-rigid plastic finite element method and the basic equations of the plastic mechanics are given . The essential principles and the solution procedures of the visco-rigid plastic finite element are introduced .

  27. 软粘土地基弹-粘塑性比奥固结理论的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of elasto ? viscoplastic Biot 's consolidation theory for soft clay foundation

  28. 本文通过引入结构面上的弹粘塑性变形特征,建立了岩体的三维弹粘塑性块体理论。

    An elastic-viscoplastic theory for reck masses is proposed by , introducing the deformation features on discontinuities .