
  • 网络Viscous Fluid Mechanics;viscous fluid dynamics;PDG
  1. 粘性流体力学的数值解法

    Numerical Methods for Viscous Fluid Mechanics

  2. 本文运用粘性流体力学原理对现有涡轮流量计理论模型进行了改进。

    On the basis of viscous fluid mechanics this paper presents an improved theoretical model of turbine flowmeter performance .

  3. 证明了相关文献中从粘性流体力学的Navier-Stokes方程来解决临界点问题的理论基础是不对的;

    Also , it is proved that the theoretical foundation , the Navier-Stokes equation for viscous fluid flow , for the solution to this CPP in literatures is incorrect .

  4. 本文通过引入Laplace变换,应用变积运算方法,建立了不可压缩粘性流体力学的变分原理及其广义变分原理。

    In this paper , the Laplace transformation is introduced . By use of Variational Integral method , the variational principles and generalized variational principles of hydrodynamic problems for the incompressible viscous fluids are established in the convolution form .

  5. 可压缩粘性流体力学变分原理的建立

    Forming of Variation Principles for the Compressible Viscous Fluids

  6. 不可压缩粘性流体力学

    Viscous compressible fluid dynamics

  7. 本文探讨了新拌混凝土的流变特性,应用流体力学的渗流理论和粘性流体力学理论建立了两个水下混凝土流动力学模型。

    We set up two underwater concrete circulating mechanics models according to the exudation theory and stickness fluid mechanic theory .

  8. 用粘性流体力学基本方程进行了模拟计算,计算部分着重分析物料特性参数及螺杆主要几何参数。

    According to viscous fluid mechanics equation , simulating calculations that focus on properties of composites and geometry of screw were developed .

  9. 从传热与粘性流体力学的角度考虑,建立了铸坯与结晶器间保护渣的润滑模型。

    In this paper , a model of mold flux 's lubrication between mould and slab is developed based on heat transfer and viscous fluid mechanics .

  10. 本文以粘性流体力学、多相流体力学和快速成型技术为理论基础,研究了可用于化学芯片制造、微尺寸快速装药的喷墨快速成型技术。

    Based on viscous hydrodynamics , multiphase hydrodynamics and Rapid Prototyping ( RP ) technique , inkjet RP technique for fabrication of chemical chip and rapid charging of micro-dimension was investigated in the dissertation .

  11. 空气阻力是高速列车阻力的主要组成部分,粘性流体力学的分析表明空气阻力的决定因素是速度分布场中的边界层部分,特别是低层部分。

    Air resistance is an important part of composing the high-speed train resistance . The analysis on glutinosity hydrodynamics indicated that the boundary layer , especially lower parts , of velocity distributing field is determinant of air resistance .

  12. 本文应用粘性流体力学的基本原理,就结晶器内钢水流动、凝固传热和温度场进行了三维耦合数值分析研究。

    Based on the principle of a viscous hydromechanics , the flow of molten steel , the heat conduction of during solidification and the temperature field in a mould are studied using a three dimension coupling numerical analysis method .

  13. 本文是粘性流体力学中的纳维&斯托克司方程的又一准确解,对其它异形断面管有指导意义,对工程实际问题有实用价值。

    The paper is a good example and an exact solution of using the Navier-stokes equations for such a problem , which is instructive for solving such problem on other non-circular pipes as well as solving such practical problems on engineering .

  14. 为满足压气机工程设计对三维粘性流体力学计算软件的要求,本文发展了一种多叶片排轴流式压气机全工况气动性能快速三维粘性流场计算方法。

    To meet the requirements for 3D viscous flow computational softwares in compressor design , a fast full 3D viscous numerical method for the computation of overall aerodynamic performance in multi-stages axial-flow compressor was introduced . Effective wall functions were employed to reduce the overall computational effort .

  15. 从粘性流体力学的质量、动量、和能量守恒原理出发,针对塑料注射成型的特点,建立了三维流动分析的控制方程、初始条件、边界条件,导出了对应的变分方程。

    The main results are shown as below : ( 1 ) According to the characteristics of the injection molding process , the three dimensional flow analysis governing equations , boundary conditions and outset conditions are established based on the viscous hydrodynamics conservation laws of momentum , mass and energy .

  16. 为了研究扩大离心压气机喘振裕度的实用技术,以解决某工程设计中的问题,用三维粘性计算流体力学(CFD)计算软件对离心压气机导风轮轮罩引气措施进行了数值模拟。

    In order to investigate the applied techniques that can be used to enlarge the centrifugal compressor surge-margin and to solve the problem in certain engineering design , 3D viscous Computation Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) code was used to simulate the inducer shroud bleeding effect on centrifugal compressor performance .

  17. 研究一类二维无界区域中的等热双极不可压粘性非牛顿流体力学方程组,通过证明相应的解半群的紧性,得到整体吸引子的存在性。

    The authors study an isothermal , incompressible , bipolar viscous non-Newtonian system in two-dimensional unbounded domains and prove the existence of the global attractor by making use of the asymptotic compactness of the corresponding semigroup .

  18. Navier-Stokes方程反映了水、油、气等粘性流体流动的基本力学规律,在流体力学中有十分重要的意义。

    The Navier-Stokes equations describes the motion law of viscous fluid such as water , oil , and air , which has important significance in Fluid Dynamics .

  19. 本文讨论了不可压无粘性流体旋涡运动的力学特点,旋涡间相关的力学特点及其相互作用的机理和旋涡相互融合的条件也进行了论述。

    In this paper , the mechanical characteristics of vortex motion of incompressible inviscid fluid are presented .

  20. 本文与传统的把耳蜗流体视为理想流体的观点不同,而是把耳蜗流体视为实际的粘性流体,并根据粘性流体力学理论获得了一组耳蜗方程。

    In this paper , cochlear fluid is considered as actual viscous fluid other than ideal fluid which is often used in traditional cochlear model . A set of cochlear equations are obtained based on the theory of viscous fluid mechanics .