
  1. 论谭小麟音乐作品中的民族性及现代性

    On National Traits and Modernity in Tan Xiaolin 's Musical Works

  2. 谭小麟《小提琴及中提琴二重奏》的创作特征

    The Composition Features of Tan Xiaolin 's Duet for Violin and Viola

  3. 谭小麟及其艺术歌曲研究

    Study on Tan Xiaolin and His Art Songs

  4. 1943年进入上海国立音专随弗兰克尔、谭小麟学习作曲,毕业后在国立北平艺专音乐系任教。

    In1943 she studied music composition with Franker and Tan Xiaolin at the Shanghai State Conservatory of Music .

  5. 20世纪早期中西方音乐融合的理论与实践&以作曲家谭小麟的艺术歌曲创作为例

    Theoretical and Practical Fusion Between Western and Chinese Music in the Early 20th Century : The Case of Tan Xiaolin 's Art Songs

  6. 这两部分主要阐述谭小麟后期音乐作品创作理论和观念上的渊源,进而是如何把握继承与创新之间的关系。

    The origin of the composing theory and manner of his , later works and how he handled the dialectic relation of the inheritance and innovation are expatiated in those two chapters .