
  1. 谭旭光说,他已决定把品牌推广和设计工作留给意大利人去做。

    Mr. Tan said he has left branding and design to the Italians .

  2. 谭旭光说,虽然全球经济正在下滑,但收购将使公司在消费市场的未来得到保障,并使它在机械制造行业的根基得以扩大。

    Mr. Tan said that despite the slumping global economy acquisitions will secure the company 's future in the consumer market and expand its base in machinery .

  3. 中国市场约占法拉帝10%的销量,谭旭光计划在未来五到10年将这一比例扩大到三分之一。

    China accounts for 10 % of Ferretti 's sales , and Mr. Tan aims to expand that portion to one-third in the next five to 10 years .

  4. 国有机械制造企业山东重工潍柴集团董事长谭旭光说,公司计划于未来数月在欧洲和美国展开更多收购与合作。

    Tan Xuguang , the chairman of Shandong Heavy Industry Group-Weichai Group , said the state-controlled machinery maker is planning more acquisitions and partnerships in Europe and the U.S. in the coming months .

  5. 但声音沙哑、有着质朴地方口音的前工程师谭旭光说,山东重工不只寄望于通过收购贱卖资产来布局全球,还打算跟国际上的同行展开合作与竞争。

    But Mr. Tan , a former engineer with a gravelly voice and a rustic regional accent , said Shandong Heavy wasn 't just looking for a fire sale to make its global footprint ; it intends to cooperate and compete with global peers .