
  1. 海航总裁谭向东(AdamTan)表示:“我们很高兴与蓝色航空合作,这将给我们往来巴西的客户带来更多选择和便利。”

    Adam Tan , president of HNA Group , said : We are pleased to partner with Azul in order to bring more choice and convenience to our customers traveling to and from Brazil .

  2. 谭向东表示,关键是专业管理。

    The key is expert management .

  3. 谭向东表示,海航集团五分之一的收入来自保险和租赁收益,但海航还打算建立信用卡业务。

    About a fifth of revenues come from interests in insurance and leasing , Mr Tan says , but HNA is trying to build a credit card business as well .

  4. 谭向东还说,英迈将成为海航集团最大的收入来源,帮助它“在增长率和盈利能力较高的新兴市场上获取商业机会”。

    Mr. Tan added that Ingram would become the biggest revenue generator for HNA Group and would help it reach " business opportunities in emerging markets , which have higher growth rates and better profitability . "