
  • 网络Tam Yiu-chung
  1. 谭耀宗议员就“在有学额过剩的地区增建小学”提出质询。

    Hon Tam Yiu-chung raised a question on " building additional primary schools in districts with surplus school places " .

  2. 行政会议成员谭耀宗恳求政府加快创造职位以改善恶化的失业率。因此,我恳请议会、国家和世界在为时太晚之前想一想。

    Executive councillor , Tam Yiu-chung , called on the government to speed up the creation of jobs to ease the worsening unemployment . I therefore beg the House and the country , and the world , to think before it is too late .

  3. 梁振英先生会为我提供有关房屋方面的意见,梁锦松先生会在教育事宜协助我制订长远策略,谭耀宗先生会帮我研究老人政策方面的未来路向。

    They are Mr Leung Chun Ying , who will look into housing ; Mr Antony Leung Kam Chung , who will be looking at education ; and Mr Tam Yiu Chung , who will be considering services for the elderly .