
  • 网络Ronnie Chan;chi-tsong chen;Ronnie
  1. 对于梁振英是否妥善处理了抗议的问题,他自2012年以来最大的支持者之一、地产大亨陈启宗(RonnieChan)表示无可奉告。

    One of his biggest backers from 2012 , the property tycoon Ronnie Chan , said that he had no opinion on whether Mr Leung was handling the protest situation well .

  2. 陈启宗告诉《南华早报》,陈氏家族通过旗下晨兴基金(MorningsideFoundation)捐赠的金额现已超过其他任何一位慈善家,包括微软(Microsoft)创始人比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和身家亿万的投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    Ronnie Chan told the SCMP that his family - through their Morningside Foundation - had now donated more money than any other philanthropist , including Bill Gates , Microsoft founder , and Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor .

  3. 上述发言人称,他们尚未捐出款项,但据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)报道,陈启宗已飞往洛杉矶去做出捐赠承诺。

    The spokesperson said they had not yet made their gift , but the South China Morning Post reported that Ronnie had flown to Los Angeles to make the pledge .

  4. 陈启宗(RonnieChan)和陈乐宗(GeraldChan)兄弟上周透露,他们已承诺向哈佛大学公共卫生学院(SchoolofPublicHealth)捐赠3.50亿美元。陈乐宗毕业于该学院。

    Ronnie and Gerald Chan , whose family controls the Hang Lung property group , last week revealed they had pledged $ 350m to Harvard 's School of Public Health , from which Gerald graduated .

  5. 我们宣布成立SOHO中国助学金后不久,我听到我的朋友、香港知名房地产开发商陈启宗和他的家族向哈佛公共卫生学院捐赠了3.5亿美元的消息。他随后又向母校南加州大学捐赠了2000万美元。

    Soon after the announcement of our SOHO China Scholarships , I heard that my friend the Hong Kong property developer Ronnie Chan and his family made a $ 350 million gift to Harvard 's School of Public Health , and a $ 20 million gift to his alma mater , the University of Southern California .