
  1. 许多人都跟陈蓉有同感。

    Many feel the same way as Chen .

  2. 上周日,中国女演员赵薇在新加坡产下女儿。赵薇的经纪人和嫂子陈蓉,周三向国内媒体证实了这一消息。

    CHINESE actress Zhao Wei gave birth to a baby girl Sunday in Singapore , Chen Rong , Zhao 's manager and sister-in-law , confirmed to the domestic media Wednesday .

  3. 陈蓉说,在那10天里,她每天要和上百名外国商人交谈。“他们身上浓烈的香水味让我感觉恶心!”她抱怨道。

    Chen said during the10-day event , she had to talk with scores of foreign businessmen everyday . " The heavy perfume they were wearing made me sick !" she complained .