
  1. 为确保承办商提供服务的质素符合标准,本署批出的合约订明可量度的服务表现标准。

    To ensure the quality of the services provided , measurable performance standards are set in the contracts .

  2. 发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当在债券上标明可转换公司债券字样,并在公司债存根簿上载明可转换公司债券的数额。

    Corporate bonds convertible into shares shall be marked convertible corporate bonds , and the quantity of convertible corporate bonds shall be recorded in the corporate bond register .

  3. 为了确保服务质素优良,本署在合约中订明可量度的服务表现标准,并载有条款保障工人的权益。

    And we are ensuring the quality of the services by including measurable performance standards in the contracts , as well as safeguarding the rights and benefits of workers .

  4. 明可由人本人提出,或由得人授或代表人而又知悉有事的人提出。

    A proof of debt may be made by the creditor himself or by a person authorized by or on behalf of the creditor and having knowledge of the facts .

  5. 结论:①芪明颗粒可促进DR眼部微循环,改善血液动力学;

    Conclusion : Qi Ming granule could promote minicirculation in ocular region and improve hemadynamics .

  6. 这套守则列明市民可获得的政府资料种类。

    The code sets out the types of government information to which the public has access .

  7. 货币期货可转让期货合约,其中定明持有人可在未来日期以特定价格买入或卖出特定货币。

    Currency futures a transferable futures contract that specifies the price at which a specified currency can be bought or sold at a future date .

  8. 结论:中药毓明方可改善治疗区相对三维视野视点的平均视阈值,提示其对治疗性视网膜损伤具有防治作用。

    Result and Conclusion : Yuming Prescription could improve the visual threshold and the prescription had a good function to therapeutic retina injury by laser .

  9. 经苏拉明处理,可明显减轻低氧所致的肺动脉压升高、肺血管壁增厚和右心室肥厚。

    Chronic suramin treatment effectually prevented the developments of pulmonary hypertension , thickening of pulmonary arteriole and right ventricular hypertrophy induced by hypoxia .

  10. 使用溴化吡啶斯的明和泼尼松可防止危象再发生。

    Applying pyridostigmine bromide and prednisone could prevent the recurrence of the crisis .

  11. 任何目明之人皆可欣赏面容和鲜花之美。

    Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower .

  12. 临床应用征明,该系统可获得喉疾病早期诊断信息。

    Clinical application proved that information for early diagnosis of laryngeal disease can be obtained with the system .

  13. 他的早期作品明快乐观,可他的后期作品带有一种阴郁沉闷的特征。

    His early works are bright and optimistic , but his later works are characterized by a gloomy cheerlessness .

  14. 结论新斯的明足三里穴封可促进肠胃蠕动,见效快,无副作用,易于操作。

    Conclusion Tsusanli acupuncture point block with neostigmine can promote the intestinal peristalsis and is effective to treat entero paralysis .

  15. 《基本法》订明,审计署可独立执行职务,并向香港特区行政长官负责。

    The Audit Commission is established under the basic law , which provides that the Audit Commission shall function independently and be accountable to the chief executive of the hksar .

  16. 本文探讨了含明金样品的可碎性、过筛、缩分,制定了加工这类样品的新流程。

    In this paper , the crushability , screening and reduction of the samples containing visible gold were researched and a new flow path to process the samples was developed .

  17. 本章试对阐明权在民事普通程序中的运行状态作出分析,希望通过这些分析加强对阐明权制度的可操作性研究。

    This chapter tries to clarify the operation of the rights in ordinary civil proceedings , which hopes to strengthen the research on the operability of the system of the clarification right of this analysis .