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  1. 你必须以你自己的方式生长,但汲取他将令你更加明悟。

    You will have to grow in your own way , but absorbing him will make you more understanding .

  2. 这样的事,超过人的智力,人的明悟万万不能查究天主的判断。

    Such things are beyond all human understanding and no reason or disputation can fathom the judgments of God .

  3. 股东有限责任乃明悟商事主体法律尤其是公司法律的关健所在,其与法人人格共为支撑商事主体理论发展的两大重要支柱。

    The limited liability of shareholders is the key to understand the laws of the commercial entity especially the corporate laws , which constitutes the two important pillars for the development of theories on the commercial entity together with the juristic personality .