
  • 网络Channel Flow;Open channel flow;Flow in Open Channels
  1. 通过基本的力学分析,指出了通常应用于有支流入汇时的一维明渠流方程存在的问题,并得到了新的方程形式。

    Furthermore , it is also pointed out that the generally used one dimensional equations for open channel flow with lateral inflow are not suitable for some applications , and a revised form of these equations was presented .

  2. 明渠流中分形絮团破裂的格子Boltzmann方法模拟絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西

    Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Breakup Process of Fractal Flocs in Open-Channel Flows

  3. 粘土悬浮液明渠流的减阻现象

    The phenomenon of drag reduction in flows of clay suspensions

  4. 对明渠流中局部断面侧收缩引起的卡克水流现象进行了系统分析。

    The choking flow phenomenon caused by local lateral contraction is studied theoretically .

  5. 坡面流运动方程和有支流入汇时的一维明渠流方程形式过渡区动床明渠流的流速分布

    Velocity profile of open-channel flows in the transitional roughness region on mobile beds

  6. 模型与二维明渠流轻质沙和天然沙试验资料符合很好。

    The kinetic model agrees well with experimental data of polystyrene particles and that of natural sands in two-dimensional open-channel flows .

  7. 雷诺应力分布和紊动强度分布规律同光滑明渠流类似。

    And ( 3 ) The Reynolds stress and the turbulence distribution are similar to those in the smooth open channel flows .

  8. 并对明渠流与管流采用统一的流速公式问题,提出了看法。

    In addition , the author also gives his view on using a unified velocity formula for open-channel flow and pipe now .

  9. 在多相流体力学和多相流测量方面大量的基础理论研究和实验研究的基础上,提出了全新的明渠流模型等多个流量计测模型用于多相流量计量。

    A new multiphase flow metering model named flume-flow model was presented based on theoretical and experimental studies of multiphase fluid mechanics and multiphase flow testing .

  10. 黄河龙潼段揭河底泥沙数值模拟大流量非牛顿流体明渠流中常发生严重冲刷,在一定条件下可能发生揭河底冲刷。

    The Numerical Simulation of Sediments in the River Bed in Section from Longmen to Tongguan of the Yellow River This interprets the serious erosion of channel bed during high-discharge non-Newtonian flow .

  11. 在这些理论研究的基础上,第七章给出了利用声学多普勒流速仪测量出的明渠流的水流结构和流动特征,并得到了水流结构对床面发展过程的影响等结果。

    On the basis of these , the flow characteristics are measured by the ADV in Chapter 7 , and finally , some results about the effect of the flow structure on the bed for development are got .

  12. 边界层理论在明渠测流中的应用

    Application of the Boundary Layer Theory to the Measurement of Open Channel

  13. 明渠渐变流随机微分方程模型

    Random differential equation models for gradually varied open channel flows

  14. 明渠变量流的水面曲线的近似计算

    An approximate calculation of water surface for open channel alteration discharge flow

  15. 用随机微分方程模型求解明渠渐变流

    An Application of Random Differential Equation Theory to Gradually Varied Flows in Open Channels

  16. 明渠测流长喉槽结构优化及设计理论研究

    Design and Structure Optimization of Long Throat Flume

  17. 明渠恒定流的系统仿真

    System Simulation of Open Channel Steady Flow

  18. 细长板开启角度与明渠均匀流流量关系研究

    Study on the relationship between opening angle of slim plates and discharge of uniform flow in open channels

  19. 介绍了明渠自由流的流量采用单片微机进行测量的原理与方法。

    Microcomputer-Based Flowmeter of Open Ditch This paper introduces flow measuring principle of open ditch based on the SCP .

  20. 目前,我国明渠测流仍采用传统的特设量水设备法、水尺法、流速仪法等。

    At present , we are still using the traditional way : ad hoc volume of water equipment , water gauge , velocity meter etc.

  21. 三角洲河道动床之自我调整作用,因水库水位之回水影响,其输沙特性有异于明渠均匀流。

    The sediment transport resulted from self adjustment of the channel bed due to backwater effects differs from that occurring in a uniform flow .

  22. 依据牛顿算法及渐近解分析,本文提出了一种梯形明渠临界流方程的直接算法。

    By Newton algorithm and the analysis for asymptotic solution , this paper presents a direct formula for calculating critical depths of trapezoidal open channels .

  23. 从水力学明渠均匀流理论出发,建立了计算测流断面水位和流量的公式。

    Based on hydraulics open ditch uniform flow theory , this paper builds up the formula to calculate the velocity gaging section water level current .

  24. 传统上,将明渠均匀流平衡条件下之输沙公式应用于估算三角洲河道之输沙能力,似有其不确定性。

    Conventional assumption of uniform flow conditions has been made to estimate the sediment transport capacity in a delta channel , and the reliability of the estimates remains uncertain .

  25. 本文从糙率的随机性质出发,以典型的二度明渠均匀流为对象,对水深和流速的随机变化进行研究。

    In this paper a study of random variation of depth and velocity is performed by means of the random nature of roughness in a typical two dimension uniform flow of open channel .

  26. 基于PIV技术的明渠非恒定流试验系统

    Experimental System for Unsteady Flows of Open-Channel Based on PIV Technology

  27. 二维明渠非恒定流的格子Boltzmann模拟

    2-D open channel flow simulations by the lattice Boltzmann model

  28. 为研究明渠非恒定流运动特性和输沙机理,建立了长20m,宽29.5cm,高40cm的水槽非恒定流实验系统。

    A flume system was built to experimentally study unsteady flow and sedimentation . The flume is 20 m long , 29.5 cm wide , and 40 cm high .

  29. 明渠水气两相流数值模拟旋风分离器气相流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Air Flow Field in a Cyclone Dust Separator

  30. 明渠非恒定流的数值计算

    Numerical Computation on the Non - steady Flow of Open Channels