
  • 网络MIX;mixing;Mixer;frequency mixing
  1. 数字下变频器采用基于数字正交混频的下变频结构,本地振荡器生成两路正交的正余弦信号,将他们与前端的采样信号进行相乘混频。

    DDC use the configuration of numeric quadrature mix . Local oscillator generates two quadrature signals of sine wave and cosine wave which mixed with sampled signal .

  2. 然后,根据射频集成电路设计流程,具体实现了CMOS混频电路。

    Thirdly , the CMOS mixer is designed according to the RF design flow .

  3. 混频电路在GPS接收机射频前端中的应用

    Application of Mixing Circuit to RF Front End for GPS Receiver

  4. X波段谐波混频频率合成器的设计

    Design of an X - band Harmonics Mixing Frequency Synthesizer

  5. X波段宽带低相位噪声混频锁相频率源

    An X band Low Phase Noise Wideband Frequency Synthesizer

  6. X的共振增强效应对获得强混频输出有重要作用。

    Resonant enhancement of x ( 5 ) is essential for strong wave-mixing output .

  7. 光纤四波混频对ASK调制直接检测光频分复用系统性能的影响

    Influence of Four-Wave Mixing in Fibers on the Performance of Ask Direct Detection Optical Frequency-Division Multiplexed Systems

  8. SOA四波混频波长变换器的理论优化与实验研究

    Theoretical Optimization and Experiment of SOA Wavelength Converter Based on Four wave Mixing

  9. 等离子体中受激Raman效应引起的近简并四波混频

    Nearly degenerate four - wave mixing in plasma by stimulated Raman scattering

  10. 采用0.18μmCMOSRF模型的高线性度降频混频电路的设计

    A highly linear down-conversion mixer with 0.18 μ m CMOS RF model

  11. 基于A/D和DSP技术实现混频的实验方法

    The Experiment Method of the Realization of Frequency Mixing Based on A / D and DSP Technique

  12. CCD混频现象的实验研究

    Experimental Study of CCD Aliasing Phenomenon

  13. 双光子激发钾5d~2DJ态的光波混频和参量过程

    Two-photon resonant optical wave-mixing and parametric processes using potassium 5D ~ 2d_j state

  14. 八毫米GaAs梁式引线肖特基势垒混频管

    8mm GaAs Beam Lead Schottky Barrier Mixer Diode

  15. 基于混合结构导频和FFT低通滤波的OFDM信道估计混频滤波式频率合成器

    Study on channel estimation based on hybrid type pilot and FFT lowpass filtering for OFDM

  16. 光纤维中的喇曼混频讨论了旋光性对Raman散射的影响。

    RAMAN MIXING IN AN OPTICAL FIBER The influence of optical activity on Raman scattering is discussed .

  17. 有SBS场在内的四波混频过程

    Four-wave mixing effect in the existence of SBS field

  18. 首先研究了基于DDS的数字混频技术及载波同步技术。

    Firstly , digital mixing and carrier synchronization based on DDS are studied .

  19. 非相干光时延四波混频中V型三能级原子的布居弛豫量子拍的理论研究

    Theoretical studies of the quantum beats on population relaxation for V-level atoms by using time delayed four-wave mixing with incoherent light

  20. 硅UHF混频二极管用于全频道电视机。

    Si UHF mixer diodes are used in all-channel TV sets .

  21. 讨论了W波段低噪声放大器和混频组件等射频前端的设计。

    And a design of RF front-end , such as the W-band Low-noise Amplifier and mixer assembly , is discussed .

  22. 带有调谐电感的铌隧道结SIS准粒子混频器件

    A Niobium Tunnel Junction SIS Mixer Element with Tuning Inductance

  23. 硅UHF混频二极管的设计与研制

    The Design and Fabrication of Si UHF Mixer Diodes

  24. Brillouin增强四波混频相位共轭激光器的基本物理特性

    Elementary physical properties of a Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing phase conjugate laser

  25. 本文用Q开关红宝石激光器,对受激喇曼散射功率、脉冲宽度和光混频进行了观察。

    In this paper we describe the observation on Raman scattering power , pulse width and frequency-mixing with a Q-switehed pulsed ruby laser .

  26. Ka波段超小型同腔混频收发前端

    Ka-Band Miniature Transceiver Assembly with Gunn Device and Mixer Diode Mounted in Common Waveguide Cavity

  27. DWDM系统非简并四波混频串扰的分析

    Analysis of non-degenerate four-wave-mixing crosstalk in DWDM system

  28. 利用光析晶体Fe1L1NbO3四波混频实时实现图象微分

    Real-time image differentiation with four-wave mixing of photorefractive crystals fe : l_in_bo_3

  29. 半导体激光自混频干涉速度仪的F-P模型分析

    Analysis about F-P model of the self-mixing interference in a diode laser velocimeter

  30. 氢气传感器将当前氢气浓度n转换成频率f(n)输出,并经过混频,得到一个较低的频率。

    Hydrogen sensors convert the current hydrogen concentration n to the frequency output f ( n ) . And after mixing , a lower frequency can be produced .