
  • Mixed varieties;【医】bulk variety
  1. 混合品种汽车装配线平衡与排序问题研究

    A Study of Balancing and Sequencing Problems of Mixed-model Automobile Assembly Lines

  2. 有很多的混合品种的动物没有家。

    There are a lot more mixed-breed animals needing homes .

  3. 给定序列的混合品种装配生产线平衡算法

    Algorithm for balancing mixed-model assembly lines with predefined sequences

  4. 混合品种在农作物病害控制中的作用

    Crop Variety Diversity for Crop Disease Control

  5. 小麦混合品种对条锈叶锈及白粉病的群体抗病性研究

    The population resistance of wheat variety mixture to Puccinia striiformis , P. recondita and Erysiphe graminis

  6. 31份混合品种(系)中,3级占93.6%,4级和2级各3.2%;

    Of the 31 mixed hardness varieties , grade 3 varieties and grade 4 and 2 varieties made up 93.6 % , and 3.2 % , respectively ;

  7. 和中国其他地方一样,这里以红酒为主,多数是在中国流行的波尔多混合品种,混合了赤霞珠、梅洛和品丽珠三种葡萄。

    As elsewhere in China , red wines dominate , mostly the Bordeaux blends - principally mixtures of cabernet sauvignon , merlot and cabernet franc - popular in China .

  8. 他们自己混合品种的茶广为人知,一杯茶就着传统的英式烤饼和果酱作为午茶几乎成了来访伦敦的人“不可少”的一个项目。

    Their own blends and mixtures have become celebrated , and a " cuppa " with the customary English scones and jam for afternoon tea is virtually a " must-do " for visitors to London .

  9. 查塔姆合成无色钻石&一种Ⅱa~Ⅱb混合型品种

    CHATHAM SYNTHETIC COLOURLESS DIAMOND ── A mixed variety of ⅱ a ~ⅱ b types

  10. 叙述了孔隙溶液的制取和测定;探讨了混合材料品种、二种氯盐、养护龄期对孔隙溶液中OH-和Cl-浓度的影响和相关机制。

    This paper briefly introduces the preparation and measurement of pore solution and discusses the effects of mixed materials , two chloride salts and curing period on OH - and Cl - concentration in pore solution as well as the related mechanism .

  11. 作物多样性在病害防治上的应用包括多系混合、品种混合和物种混合,其中品种混合策略备受重视。

    Crop diversity used for disease control includes multiline , cultivar and species mixtures .

  12. 工厂已成为高效包衣机和混合机品种齐全、产销量全球最大的制造厂商。

    This factory now has become a manufacturer with complete range of products and biggest production and marketing volume in the world in respect of high-efficiency film coating machines and mixers .

  13. 通过分析水泥混凝土工程质量事故的若干案例,发现混合材的品种和成分对水泥的使用性能有很大影响。

    It is showed that the type and composition of admixtures play an important role in cement workability after studying some cases of concrete engineering fault .

  14. 其联合方差分析的数学模型以选用混合模型即品种效应为固定模型,地点、年份效应为随机模型较为确切。

    The mathematical model in the combined square deviation analysis should select the mixed model or known as cultivar effect of the fixed model . while location and year effects are more appropriate to be considered as random model .

  15. 请注意各种混合草坪的草皮品种不同刈割的高度有所差异。

    Note that various lawn mixes have different recommended mowing heights .

  16. 多品种混合花粉比单品种花粉发芽力强。花粉密度大,有利于发芽力的提高。

    Mixed pollen grains had a higher germination percentage than those of individual cultivar , higher density of pollen grains on the medium tended to increase the germination percentage .

  17. 以大米为对象,研究常规加热、微波加热和混合加热对不同品种大米品质的影响,为微波防虫防霉和生产应用提供参考。

    The effects of normal heating , microwave heating and united heating on quality of different varieties of rice were studied , so as to provide preferences for pest and mildew control of rice with microwave .

  18. 手上拿着热情的说明(含有牛奶巧克力芳香,中性的口感,柔和的酸度),我尝出三个不同品种的混合咖啡,这些品种生长在休眠火山的高海拔山坡上。

    There are solicitous notes on hand ( Milk chocolate flavour with medium body and soft acidity ), and I savour a blend of three different varietals , grown at altitude on the slopes of a dormant volcano .