
  • 网络Concrete creep;Creep of concrete
  1. 混凝土徐变及其在桥梁预拱度设置中的应用

    Creep of concrete and in bridge pre - crown establishment application

  2. 分析了影响混凝土徐变的诸因素,提出估算大体积混凝土徐变度的数学模型;

    This paper analyses the factors affecting the creep of concrete , and presents the mathematical model for the prediction of the creep of massive concrete .

  3. 悬灌施工PC弯桥梁考虑混凝土徐变增量的线型控制计算

    Calculation of geometric control in consideration of concrete creep for cantilever construction of PC curved bridge

  4. 两种CEB-FIP混凝土徐变模型的对比分析

    Comparison of Two Concrete Creep Prediction Models Recommended by CEB-FIP

  5. 本文分析探讨了混凝土徐变的非线性本构模型,并以ANSYS有限元软件为开发平台,开发了混凝土结构徐变效应的仿真分析程序,程序仿真模拟了混凝土结构徐变的依时性。

    The nonlinear constitutive model of concrete creep analysis is discussed . On the platform of ANSYS finite element software , the program is developed which can be calculated and imitated the process of the creep stress & strain by the time .

  6. 通过分析研究,还得出不同粉煤灰掺量及配比的C50高性能混凝土徐变计算公式,可为实际工程中分析掺粉煤灰混凝土徐变性能提供帮助。

    Based on the experimental results , a formula is developed to calculate the creep of C50 high performance concrete with different proportion of fly ash .

  7. 并将理论计算值与已知试验数据和Midas有限元软件仿真分析进行了对比,验证了作者提出的集中荷载作用下简支组合梁考虑混凝土徐变后剪切滑移计算的正确性。

    And put forward to transfer surface shear slip equation under the concentrated load after consideration of concrete creep . Moreover Comparison of theoretical calculated values and the known experimental data , proved the correctness of the theory proposed by the author through the analysis of the Midas mold .

  8. 本文对推算混凝土徐变收缩的BP-2模式作了简单介绍,提出了利用BP-2模式和逐步计算的有限单元法计算预应力混凝土结构长期内力和变形的方法以及CRSP计算机程序的简要说明,最后给出计算实例。

    This paper introduces the BP-2 model for predicting creep and shrinkage of concrete , developed by Z. P. Bazant et al . A method for calculating long-term stresses and deformation of prestressed concrete structures and a brief guide of a computer program CRSP is provided .

  9. 粉煤灰掺量对混凝土徐变性能的影响

    Influence of the Content of Fly Ash on Creep of Concrete

  10. 高标号混凝土徐变系数理论与试验比较分析

    Contrast Analysis Between the Creep Experiment and Theory Calculating of Concrete

  11. 本文对混凝土徐变性能进行了初步研究。

    A study of concrete creep property is made in this paper .

  12. 混凝土徐变是混凝土的重要性能。

    Creep is an import an t behavior of concrete .

  13. 混凝土徐变引起的环形构件预应力损失计算

    Calculation of Ring Structure Prestressing Loss Due to Concrete Creep

  14. 混凝土徐变计算及桥梁施工过程仿真分析

    The Calculation of Concrete Creep and the Simulation Analysis of Bridge Construction

  15. 混凝土徐变与桥梁的预拱度设置研究

    Research on Concrete Creep and Application in Pre-camber of Bridge

  16. 龙滩水电站坝基混凝土徐变试验研究

    Test Research into Creep of Dam Foundation Concrete for Longtan Hydropower Station

  17. 混凝土徐变数据的确定及在应变观测中的应用

    Determination of Concrete Creep and Its Application to Strain Observation

  18. 无碴轨道桥梁高强混凝土徐变变形的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Creep Deformation of High-performance Concrete Bridge with Ballastless Track

  19. 混凝土徐变度及应力松弛系数的估算方法综述与建议

    Prediction of creep and stress relaxation coefficients of massive concrete

  20. 干燥地区混凝土徐变、收缩估算体系及验证

    Prediction for Concrete Shrinkage and Creep in Extreme Dry Areas

  21. 温度对混凝土徐变影响的数值模型

    Numerical Model for Concrete Considering Influence of Temperature on Creep

  22. 混凝土徐变性能和其长期徐变行为的预估方法

    Concrete creep property and the method for predicting its long-term creep behavior

  23. 混凝土徐变特性是混凝土的一种基本的长期特性。

    The creep property is a basic long-term character of the concrete .

  24. 有效模量法计算混凝土徐变的参数取值及实现

    Parameters of Calculating Concrete Creep by Age Adjusted Effective Modulus and Computational Analysis

  25. 考虑混凝土徐变后轴心受压柱的最大配筋率

    The Maximum Reinforcement Ratio of the Axial Compressive Pillar Considering the Concrete Creep

  26. 混凝土徐变问题的中值系数法

    Mean Value Factor Method for Solving Concrete Creep Problems

  27. 现代混凝土徐变的几个问题探讨

    Exploration of Several Problems about Creep of Modern Concrete

  28. 关于混凝土徐变理论的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Theory of Creep in Concrete

  29. 沥青混凝土徐变性质的研究

    Make a Study of Creep Behavior in Asphalt Concrete

  30. 高性能混凝土徐变试验分析

    Test Analysis of the Creeping of High-performance Concrete