
  • 网络mixing time;min
  1. 采用单个悬浮粒子法和脱色法分别测定了多种不同几何尺寸的螺带式搅拌器的循环时间分布以及混合时间。得到同频度C5值和混合时间C1计算式。

    The distributions of circulation time and mixing time were obtained by means of a single suspended head and the decoloration method for helical ribbon impellers .

  2. 在脱色过程中,pH值、脱色剂用量及混合时间对脱色的效果均有影响。

    In the bleaching process , the value of pH , the consumption of bleaching fluid and the mixing time have effects on the quality of the product .

  3. 不同装载系数和混合时间对V型混合机混合效果的影响

    Effects of Different Load Factors and Mixing Times on Mixing Results of V-Mixer

  4. ANS-OB钢液处理装置均匀混合时间的研究

    Study on the mixing time of ANS-OB steel treatment

  5. 从单个混合时间的2DNOESY峰强度矩阵求取核间距

    Internuclear distance determination from a 2D NOESY peak intensity matrix with a single mixing time

  6. 两期GPS监测获得的每个监测点的垂直变形值显著可信,可直接用于沉降变形分析和地壳运动研究。混合时间的大小与加料位置和监测点的位置都有关系。

    The vertical deformation value of every GPS monitoring sites that gained after two periods GPS monitoring is marked and credible . These values can be directly applied to the subsidence deformation analysis and diastrophism research .

  7. 结果显示静态混合器降低了流体循环速度UL,增加了混合时间Tm与平均气含率。

    Results indicate that the liquid circulation velocity in the ALR is reduced by using static mixer , and the mixing time and gas holdup are increased .

  8. 混合时间短,可以用全混流反应器(CSTR)模型来描述外循环流化床反应器。

    On account of shorter mix time the model of CSTR can be used to describe the fluid-bed reactor with double outer circulation .

  9. CAS-OB钢包内钢水流场和均匀混合时间

    Flow Field and Uniform Mixing Time in CAS-OB Ladle

  10. 提出了从单个混合时间的2DNOESY峰强度或混合系数矩阵直接求取核间距的新方法。

    A new method is proposed to determine internuclear distances from a 2D NOESY peak intensity or mixing coefficient matrix with a single mixing time .

  11. 实验材料用聚苯乙烯(PS),用自行设计的电磁动态发泡模拟机,了不同剪切速率、振动力场及混合时间对聚合物/超临界CO2均相体系形成的影响。

    Pure PS and a self-made electromagnetical dynamic foaming stimulant was used to investigate the effects of different shear rate , oscillatory shear and mixing time on the formation of polymer / supercritical CO 2 solution .

  12. 用电导率法研究了部位对KCl溶液电导率值经时间变化的影响及熔池混匀时间与搅拌功率密度的关系,作出了熔池等均匀混合时间曲线。

    Electrical conductivity method has been used to study the effect of determination location on the change of electrical conductivity with time and the relationship between mixing time and stirring energy density .

  13. 结果:赋形剂用量为0.02g,浆糊浓度为22%,浆糊用量为40g,湿混合时间为15分钟为最佳生产工艺。

    Results : Solid is 0.02g , liquid is 22 % and 40g , time is 15 minutes .

  14. 在连续离散混合时间模型中考虑Verilog的语义行为,将混合模型中的一个区间作为Verilog程序一次运行过程的指称。

    In this paper , the semantics of Verilog program are studied in a discrete continuous hybrid time model , a hybrid interval is denoted as the description of a run of Verilog program .

  15. 本文方法是自治的,只要能测出单个混合时间的2DNOESY峰强度或混合系数矩阵即可直接求出自旋系统的核间距了。

    This new method is self ? consistent and internuclear distances in spin systems can be determined solely from a 2D NOESY peak intensity or mixing coefficient matrix with a single mixing time .

  16. 试验得出该荧光消除剂的最佳应用条件为反应温度80℃,混合时间10min,荧光消除剂用量3.0%。

    The best applicable conditions were : reaction at 80 ℃, mixing for 10 min , dosage of the fluorescence quenching agent 3.0 % .

  17. 选择臭氧仪合适工作条件:流速为3L/min,O3与水的混合时间为6~8min。

    Selected suitable work condition for ozone instrument : current velocity of water : 3L / min , time for mixing O 3 with water : 6 ~ 8 min.

  18. 并着重论述了可以解决大幅值非线性液体晃动的任意拉格朗日-欧拉有限元(ALE)和混合时间隐显式数值积分法(mE-I),同时讨论了对可变形容器的研究情况。

    The expressions emphasize the arbitray Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method which is able to treat problems of large amplitude nonlinear viscous liquid motion with many free surfaces and interfaces and mixed time implicit-explicit integration method .

  19. 对于窄叶翼型CBY搅拌桨,在相同的搅拌输入功率下,单层、双层以及三层CBY搅拌桨的混合时间基本相同;

    For the multiple hydrofoil impeller agitators , the mixing times of triple narrow-blade hydrofoil CBY impellers are almost the same as the dual and single CBY impellers .

  20. 对于单层桨体系,不论是DT-6桨还是CBY桨,其混合时间的模拟值均与实验结果吻合良好;

    The mixing time predicted by CFD for the single DT-6 , CBY impeller and multiple CBY impellers was in good agreement with the experiment .

  21. CBY-3型桨在同样的填充量下临界功率较另两桨型低,混合时间短,优于CBY-2和CBY-1型桨。

    CBY-3 is the performance better than the other two under the same filling in critical rotating speed and mixing time .

  22. 实验中通过测定Scale-down系统中的混合时间及停留时间分布等流体动力学参数,对系统的流体动力学特性有了初步了解。

    The characteristic parameters of fluid dynamics in Scale-down system , such as mixing time and residence time distribution , were measured to initiate to us in the fluid dynamics character .

  23. 结果表明,在水相加入DTPA,钇的萃取速率较快、铒的萃取速率较慢,控制两相混合时间,用非平衡溶剂萃取法可有效分离钇铒。

    The results indicated that the rate of solvent extraction of Y was faster than that of Er by adding DTPA in water phase . By controlling the mixed time , we can separate effectively Y and Er with non-equilibrium solvent extraction .

  24. 在试验条件下,当混合时间6min、颗粒直径Φ2cm、喷涂压力0.4MPa时,颗粒间均匀性达最优;

    Under the experimental conditions , the optimum parameters of the uniformity of coating were as follows : the mixing time : 6 minutes , the diameter of pellet : Φ 2 cm , the spraying pressure : 0.4 MPa ;

  25. 不同混合时间对预混料均匀度的影响

    The Influence of Different Mixed Time on Uniformity Degree of Premix

  26. 分析了影响混合时间和分隔指数的主要因素;

    The factors affecting the mixing time and segregating index were analyzed .

  27. 液相混合时间是搅拌过程的重要内容。

    The liquid mixing time is of importance for the agitation process .

  28. 装有定时器可以任意调节混合时间。

    A timer is fixed to optionally adjust time of mixing freely .

  29. 循环流化床的流体混合时间及充氧特性

    Characteristics of Fluid Mixing Time and Oxygen Transfer in Circulating Fluidized Bed

  30. 螺杆-导流筒搅拌器的混合时间估算

    Estimation of mixing time for helical screw impellers with a draught tube